Crack addicted “First Kid” Hunter Biden has reportedly reached a deal with federal prosecutors that allows him to skip prison time – even though the rest of us normal Americans would be sent up with r

Crack addicted “First Kid” Hunter Biden has reportedly reached a deal with federal prosecutors that allows him to skip prison time – even though the rest of us normal Americans would be sent up with river for the gun crimes he committed.  

WATCH our own Ben Sanderson explain this stunning example of federal hypocrisy and how the US Department of Justice has paved the way for Hunter Biden’s little slap on the wrist. GOA’s Minute Man Moment shines a bright light on our government’s stunning double-standard.  If the firearm charges (brandishing an illegal gun while on crack and dumping it next to a school) weren’t enough, Hunter wrote off hooker tabs on his taxes and banked billions as an unregistered foreign agent.

And speaking of the Bidens, our President is on the loose again, uttering nonsense about the Second Amendment. As NSSF says, “POTUS might just be the lying dog-face pony soldier he accuses others of being.” He also fancies himself some sort of 2A “historian” – unbelievable as it is, you can read about it below.  

JOIN GOC and help us fight back these persistent attacks - we refuse to stand by and watch overly-zealous state and federal governments treat responsible gun owners like criminals while they let the bad guys walk!  Join us!

Hunter Biden Pleads Guilty to Multiple Fed Crimes WITH NO JAIL TIME | Townhall
Put simply, this is enraging.

Opioids Kill More Californians Than Guns, But Leftists Block Solutions | Sac Bee
Assemblyman Joe Patterson points out the grave hypocrisy.

California Town Bans Retail Sales of Firearms | Bearing Arms
San Diego County’s Imperial Beach on the wrong track… 

Never Mind: CA Prosecutors Drop Murder Charges | Bearing Arms
Another example of the far left trying to make self-defense a crime.

Noted Constitutional Scholar Joe Biden Explains The 2A | Federalist
Huh? His son avoids gun charges while Prez pushes gun control?

CNN Calls out Joe Biden for Numerous 'False Claims' About Guns | Breitbart
You can't descend any lower than being called a liar by CNN...

President Biden’s Fantasy Gun Control Agenda | NSSF
Biden’s disqualified from gun debate given DOJ’s preferential treatment of his son.

Biden Weaponizing IRS Into A Well-Armed Paramilitary Force | Ammoland
The IRS is beginning to act like the KGB in Soviet Russia it seems!

Biden Claims Americans Would Need More Than Guns to Fight the Gov’t | Townhall
But he celebrated Ukrainians arming up just over a year ago…

Silencers/Suppressors are in Common Use for Lawful Purposes | Ammoland
And thus, covered by the 2A.

Pistol Brace Rule is Unconstitutional, Anti-American | Adv American Freedom
Unamerican, indeed!

A Few Words in Favor of Ugly Guns | MSN
And they are totally undeserving of criticism.

RFK Jr. Explains: Taking People's Guns Won't End School Shootings | Breitbart
It’s good to see a Democrat have an opinion that doesn’t include gutting the 2A. 

Editorial Claims Young Conservatives Favor Gun Control | Bearing Arms
This is just someone’s wrong opinion.



Vacaville, Saturday, October 28, 2023  - Tickets on sale soon!

San Jose, TBD

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Gun Owners of California
Gun Owners of California, Inc.
1190 Suncast Ln, Suite 2
El Dorado Hills, California 95762
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