Your action will be absolutely critical in the coming months...

Friend, if you’re feeling overwhelmed right now, you’re not alone.

In fact, that’s what Trump’s egregious actions since the Republican Senate sanctioned his impeachable offenses were all about. We must remain focused -- because we can’t give up hope for our democracy, no matter what.

He started by firing Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman -- who bravely came forward out of what he called “a sense of duty” to testify in the impeachment inquiry. Vindman did this country a great service, and over 150,000 Common Cause members have signed our message to thank him for his act of patriotism.

Then, Trump’s Attorney General William Barr brazenly interfered with the prosecution of one of Trump’s former advisors, Roger Stone. Barr lightened the Justice Department’s proposed sentence for Stone just hours after Trump tweeted his displeasure with them -- prompting 4 U.S. Attorneys to resign from the case in protest.

And now that Trump knows he won’t be held accountable for encouraging foreign interference in the 2020 election -- which the Senate has just let him off the hook for -- he’s likely to try it again, and again, and again.

Here’s the only thing that can stop him -- you and me. Trump and his GOP enablers WANT you to feel powerless right now. They want you to feel like they’ve won, and that there’s no way to stop them from destroying our representative democracy.

They’re wrong. If you agree that our democracy is worth fighting for, I hope you’ll chip in today to fuel the immediate, necessary grassroots response to Trump’s abuse of power.






Common Cause is made for moments like this -- where the action of ordinary people like you and me is all that stands between democracy and tyranny. Here’s our Action Plan:

First, we need to put every U.S. Senator on notice. The day the Senate voted, Common Cause led over 300 Reject The Coverup rallies nationwide -- to call out everyone who put their loyalty to this president ahead of their loyalty to the Constitution.

We’re not letting up. We’re keeping at it to make sure that senators like Susan Collins -- who defended her vote with Trump by claiming he had “learned his lesson” -- know that we’ll remember their decision to put their party before their country.

AND, we’re making sure senators like Doug Jones (D-AL) and Mitt Romney (R-UT), who voted to convict, know they did the right thing by putting their country first, no matter the political cost.

Next, we need to immediately get to work to make sure we have a free and fair election this November. We know Trump is willing to openly cheat to win, so we have to be on guard against any possible angle of attack.

That means investing in modernizing and securing our election systems against hacking. That means watchdogging social media so we can catch disinformation campaigns before they reach millions of voters. And it means mobilizing THOUSANDS of Election Protection volunteers this November, to make sure every voter knows their rights and can cast their ballot without

Finally, we must ensure that -- just like after Watergate --the president’s abuses are met with a public outcry for reform… starting with a MASSIVE voter turnout in the 2020 election.

After all, Trump Republicans are trying to get us to check out and shut down -- so it’s important we make sure our friends and neighbors commit to showing up and taking part.

That’s why we’re prioritizing reforms like Automatic Voter Registration -- so we can add millions of eligible voters to the rolls, and make sure every American has a say in our democracy. Plus, we’re doubling down on our push for the For The People Act -- which will reshape voting rights and campaign finance laws to restore balance to our democracy.

This is a MASSIVE undertaking -- on top of everything we’re already doing to protect and strengthen our democracy. It’s sure to stretch our resources to the limit. But the moment we’re in absolutely demands it -- and I’m counting on concerned Americans like you to step up and help see this through.

This is a challenging moment for our democracy… and it will be the actions of concerned Americans like you and me in this moment that make all the difference.

Thanks for all you do,

Karen Hobert Flynn, President
and the team at Common Cause

Common Cause
805 Fifteenth Street NW, Suite 800
Washington, DC xxxxxx
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