Episode 161 uploaded June 25: Sam Goldman interviews Karen Svoboda, CEO of Defense of Democracy about the Moms for Liberty (sic) which will hold their national summit June 29 –
July 2 in Philadelphia (cheers to the protesters). Producer Mark
Tinkleman shares some commentary on this fascist movement.
Join Refuse Fascism in protesting in Philly – follow along on our socials (@RefuseFascism).
Sam shares reflections (here in full) on the one year anniversary of the overturn of Roe. "In this past year despite the wide-felt
outrage, the vast support for abortion rights and the private heartache
felt by the majority of us at the now daily tragic stories caused by
this overturn the streets have been deafeningly silent, the decent
people too passive as the women-hating theocrats continue to mobilize to
strip away this fundamental right. But this does not have to be our
Read the statement from Rise Up 4 Abortion Rights

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Karen Svoboda:
I think at one point in all of our lives, we've asked ourselves, you know, what would I do if it was like 1930? Germany, we've all said, Oh, I wouldn't be the one to stand up. I would be the one to speak out, use your voice. It is a civic responsibility to speak out, and so take advantage of that responsibility to do the right thing.

PHILADELPHIA Protest "Moms for Liberty"
Friday June 30 7:30 am Marriott 1200 Filbert Street. RSVP & Share
A noise protest as DeSantis speaks in the morning; Trump at 4:00 pm
Saturday July 1 3:30 pm near Marriott 1200 Filbert Street RSVP & Share

Moms for “Liberty” aka Moms for Fascism is having their National Summit in Philadelphia this week. They’ll
be training their christian fascist storm-troopers to run for school
boards and terrorize teachers, students, and the LGBTQ community at
large with genocidal aims.
Join us in defending the lives and
rights of LGBTQ people, defending black history and black lives, the
rights of kids to have a real education and actively refusing the
overall fascist program they are part of hammering into place.
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