Today, we pause to marks the second anniversary of the Parkland, Florida massacre that took the lives of 17 innocent high school students.

Chris CoonsJoin us.

Dear John,

Today, we pause to mark the second anniversary of the Parkland, Florida massacre that took the lives of 17 innocent high school students.

But there's another number in my mind: 352. That's the number of days since the House passed a universal background check bill, which would close the federal loophole that allows felons, domestic abusers, and other prohibited purchasers from buying guns from unlicensed sellers without a background check.

So why hasn't it passed? Two words: Mitch McConnell.

In those 352 days since the House acted, countless lives have been lost, futures cut short, and communities ravaged, all while Mitch McConnell sits on his hands and refuses to give this bill a vote. McConnell controls what gets a vote on the Senate floor, and he's proudly called it his legislative graveyard. Will you add your name to demand Mitch McConnell hold a vote on common-sense gun reform legislation now?


There were more mass shootings in 2019 than there were days in the year. I'm not okay with that — no one should be. That's the same message I received from the Parkland students and parents whom I met with, and thanks to their activism, a growing number of Americans are demanding solutions, too.

My bipartisan bill, the NICS Denial Notification Act, would notify state law enforcement when someone who by law shouldn't have a gun goes to a store, lies on their background check, and tries to buy one. Passing this legislation, along with the bill the House already passed, is a meaningful step we can take right now to address this national crisis.

If we want to save lives, we know what we need to do, and it's up to us to make it happen. I'm serious about taking action on gun reform. If you are too, will you add your name today to support my fight?

Thank you,


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