You can help us slash pollution from power plants!
Power Plant KY

Dear John,

Here’s a quick fact: fossil-fuel power plants are responsible for a quarter of all U.S. climate pollution. But the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) latest proposal can change that.

These proposed standards would slash smokestack pollution from America’s power plants. And, by strengthening these standards we can reduce carbon emissions by 617 million metric tons from 2028 to 2042! That’s the equivalent of 120 million homes' electricity use for an entire year.

It’s a big deal, but not everyone is happy about it. Big polluters and their political allies have already announced their fierce opposition. 

That’s why we need advocates like you to step up and defend this crucial climate solution. Submit a public comment and show your support for EPA’s proposed Carbon Pollution Standards for power plants!

This is a historic moment for climate action. If finalized, EPA’s proposed standards would be the first time the U.S. government has regulated carbon dioxide pollution from existing fossil fuel power plants nationally. With this new rule in place power plants across the country will be required to meet new performance-based emissions limits. 

To cut climate pollution in half by 2030 we need to act now, and EPA’s proposed rule is an important step. Join the fight for clean air and a healthy climate by submitting a public comment, today!

Thank you for taking action,

Wes Rogerson
Manager, Grassroots Organizing & Activism