URGENT ACTION NEEDED: Endangered monarchs are DYING while Bayer-Monsanto profits from pollinator-toxic pesticides!

Vibrant orange and black displays once filled the autumn air during monarch butterflies’ epic migration. But North American monarchs have seen a 90% POPULATION CRASH in just two decades!

The few monarchs that still embark on this journey lay their eggs along the way. But milkweed plants -- the only food source for young caterpillars and the only place where monarchs can lay their eggs -- are disappearing. In fact, over the past two decades, 850 million milkweed plants have vanished!

Pesticide giant Bayer-Monsanto sells toxic chemicals that KILL MILKWEED and drive monarch declines! Please, Friend, stand up to greedy Bayer-Monsanto and help SAVE endangered monarchs before it’s too late. Send your message by 11:59 pm TONIGHT!

Monarch butterflies are officially ENDANGERED -- meaning they are at a “high risk of global extinction.” If Bayer-Monsanto continues to sell pesticides like Roundup that kill milkweed, we might lose monarchs forever!

But it’s not just monarchs that are in danger. Roundup’s key ingredient has been linked to cancer, reproductive harm, and other serious health risks in humans, with children being the most vulnerable. That doesn’t stop Bayer-Monsanto from selling these dangerous chemicals.

Bayer-Monsanto has MANIPULATED science and LIED to the public about the dangers of its pesticides to evade regulations. It’s clear that they’ll do what it takes to keep the profits rolling in despite the devastating consequences to monarchs, other pollinators, and people. If just 1 of every 14 people reading this email takes action, we can hit our goal and fight toxic pesticides that hurt people, pollinators, and the planet. Act now!

Standing with you,
Friends of the Earth
