The money wasn't in our June budget. But I gave the green light anyways.

Ilhan for Congress

Hi Team, I'm Makenzie — Ilhan's finance director.

I wanted to reach out this morning to introduce myself, and to tell you about a pretty tough decision I had to make yesterday that I thought you should know about.

Here at Team Ilhan we're looking ahead to next year's elections, and it's become pretty clear that if we're going to have the resources to fight back against the right wing and their super PAC spending in 2024, we need to expand our digital advertising budget here in 2023.

The problem is, the money wasn't in our June budget. But I gave the green light anyway.

You see, it's investments like these — the ones we make early on in the campaign cycle — that make the biggest difference in the long-run.

So I was willing to bet that if I asked, our nationwide progressive movement would step up and help us close the gap. Because it's supporters like you who understand better than anyone why it's so important we keep Ilhan in Congress fighting for all of us.

So please. For Ilhan, and for everyone who's ready to send her back to Congress in 2024:

Can you make a $3 contribution to stand with our campaign today? Help us close our budget gap ahead of this week's official FEC fundraising deadline. This is important.

Like I said, it was a tough decision, and not one I made lightly.

But our movement has stepped up big at times like these before, and if there's one thing that Ilhan knows she can count on, it's for this team to have her back when it matters most.

Thanks for chipping in today if you can.

In solidarity,

Makenzie Richardson
Ilhan for Congress



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Ilhan is counting on our people-powered grassroots movement to fund this campaign. If you can, stand with us by making a contribution today.

Ilhan for Congress
PO Box 33079
Washington D.C., 20033