URGENT: Five aborted babies were discovered being discarded by a Washington D.C. abortion facility, all of whom were old enough to survive outside the womb. One baby girl was found with deep lacerations and signs of partial-birth abortion, a method of abortion Federally banned for its extreme and heartless brutality, and others showed signs of being survivors deprived of care. We cannot let this be swept under the rug. Sign the petition now to demand justice for these innocent lives and hold those responsible accountable for their actions. SIGN THE PETITION |
Dear John,
I wanted to email you about the recent discovery of five aborted babies being discarded by a Washington D.C. abortion facility, who all appear to have been old enough to survive outside the womb, and several of whom bear signs of potentially illegal procedures. The details of this case are disturbing and expose the horrifically empty heart of the abortion agenda.
Sign the petition to Congress demanding they require the DOJ to perform a thorough investigation and prosecution of those responsible for the murder of these innocent babies.
According to medical experts, at least four of these babies died at an age when they were viable premature people. One of the largest and most developed babies found was a boy, estimated to be around 28-32 weeks, with a fully formed face, fingers, toes, and all the primary features normally visible in a newborn. An expert on abortion practices said he showed signs of having been born alive, but discarded to die. One baby girl was found with deep lacerations to the posterior neck and crushing indicative of illegal partial-birth abortion. Two other children appear to have endured terrible and brutal suffering, being crushed and torn apart in the womb. And one baby was still in his nurturing amniotic sac, uterus intact. He was almost certainly born still alive, but left to die. This should be no surprise: the “doctor” responsible for these deaths has a track record of heartlessness when it comes to his victims. He even admitted on camera that if a woman “delivered before we got to the termination part of the procedure here, then we would do things — we would — we would not help it.” He even went on to contrast his behavior with a hospital, and ridiculed patients who had, after seeing him, gone to hospitals and delivered their children. But so far, law enforcement has swept this under the rug and refused to investigate.
Your voice matters. Sign the petition now to urge the DOJ to investigate and prosecute those responsible for the murder of these innocent babies. Together, we can make a difference and ensure justice is served.
We cannot remain silent in the face of such atrocities. We must demand justice for these innocent lives lost and hold those responsible accountable for their actions. We cannot let this go unnoticed. We must speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves.
Therefore, I urge you to sign the petition to the DOJ, calling for a thorough investigation and prosecution of the individuals involved in this heinous act. Thank you for your support in this important cause. Owen Stevens and the entire CitizenGO Team P.S. Every life is valuable and deserves protection. Let us stand together and demand justice for these innocent babies.