URGENT ACTION NEEDED: Bear hunting has already started in several states, which means tens of thousands of bears and cubs will likely be killed. An estimated 40,000 to 50,000 bears are legally hunted in the U.S. each year -- in addition to the unknown number of bears that are poached illegally.
Trophy hunters are permitted to shoot at mama bears and their baby cubs while they are SOUND ASLEEP in their dens, hibernating and trying to stay warm. And it’s all LEGAL.
We must protect innocent bears and their cubs by demanding that this cruel and inhumane practice be banned. Help stop trophy hunters from slaughtering bear families in their dens and protect the planet with your membership donation NOW.
For several years, there was a law that prohibited killing bear cubs and wolf pups in their dens. The Trump administration not only overturned the ban but actually incentivized hunters with prizes for their kills.
We must urge the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to restore this bill immediately. It could save thousands of bears. Your support is essential to gaining enough momentum.
If 6,043 more environmentalists like you donate by tomorrow’s deadline, we'll be able to stand up to attacks on endangered species and protect the planet from special interests. Can bear cubs and our environment count on you today?
Thank you,
Friends of the Earth