Hey there, John!
I’m Greta Presley, Brandon’s big sister – I have been helping out with his campaigns since he was running for Mayor of Nettleton, which was 22 years ago!
Today, I wanted to share something special with you. The other night, as I was going through boxes in our house, I found a prayer our mother had written out years ago that I think speaks to Brandon’s character and the way we were raised.
But first, can I ask you to chip in $5 to help us meet our goal of raising $50,000 online by the end-of-quarter on June 30? Every little bit makes a difference:

Our mother particularly enjoyed writing out her prayers on whatever pieces of paper she happened to have at the moment. We have discovered many of them since she passed away, but this one is truly special. You'll note from the picture that it's stained and aged over the years, but boy, what a message of love.
Like so many in Mississippi, our mother struggled to keep the lights on and keep her children fed. There was always a bill to pay with little to no money to pay it. But my mother just never gave up. She had an amazing spirit that always pushed through, no matter the circumstances, for the sake of her kids.
She was a single mother making less than minimum wage, with no one else to rely on, so she had to push through. She never let us feel as poor as we really were.
And she prayed for us with these simple words: “Just send them some dignity, a feeling of being loved”. That was truly her desire for us growing up as we did, and it's what all children deserve everywhere.
So many families in Mississippi need someone on their side, someone who will fight for their dignity and to feel loved and cared for. That’s why Brandon is running for governor. He cares about our people, and I truly believe that he can make a difference for our state.
I hope I can count on you to donate to Brandon’s campaign to be the next governor of Mississippi before the end of the month. Any amount helps us get the word out about Brandon’s positive vision for the state.
Thank you so much,
Greta Presley