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Hey, friends!
That's a wrap! 19 monthly meetings around the state -- all done for June! If you missed attending, please make sure to check out our June announcement video so you have all the latest news. And of course, we still have social events planned for the week ahead. You can find those and more below.
Now I have a very important question for you... because before you know it, election season will be in full swing. Let's take a poll! Which camp are you in?
Oh -- that link didn't go anywhere for you? That's because I don't care what team you're on! They both have pros and cons. But I'll tell you the worst con about all of it... that race will cause needless division in our ranks. People are already fighting! Plan now to stay above the fray.You know what really matters? Texas. I know the national elections are way sexier (scratch that, I hate that word), but state and local elections are where the rubber meets the road. We are called True TEXAS Project for a reason! We're also called the friendly state for a reason.
Stay engaged, and stay friendly! It's ok to just let a snappy retort go unsaid once in awhile. And that's saying a lot coming from me!
TTP Around The State
You probably heard by now about State Rep Justin Holland telling the grassroots they are irrelevant and not needed to win elections. What an egotistical moron! (Yeah, what I said above about being friendly does NOT apply here!) Three State Reps (that I'm aware of) put out statements wholeheartedly disagreeing. These include Brian Harrison, Tony Tinderholt, and Steve Toth. Thank you!
The good news is that we already have a challenger for Holland! He's not only endorsed by TTP, but he's even on leadership in our Rockwall/Kaufman satellite! If you ❤️ the grassroots, please consider sending Dennis London a $5 donation! This will send a message to both Holland and London - as well as all State Reps - that the grassroots are engaged and make a difference! We're pretty confident that Dennis will be a State Rep that listens to the people that helped him get elected.
It's finally here! Wanna know how your state legislators rank on the conservative index? The rankings are out. The highest score belongs to Tony Tinderholt, and he's followed by Brian Harrison, Steve Toth, and Matt Schaeffer. Those 4 all got As. There are 7 Bs, and sadly, they drop drastically from there.
In the Senate, the A's went to Bob Hall, Bryan Hughes, and Mayes Middleton. The next highest score plummets from 90 to just 68!
If you are a political nerd like I am, you'll have a lot of fun reading the new companion e-book to those conservative rankings. It includes funny things like Best Point of Order, Best Cringe Moment (with videos!), and Biggest Flip-Flopper. Yep, "flip-flopper." Did you know Reps can change their vote after the fact in the record book? This means they can then go home to campaign and, no matter who they are talking to, say they voted whatever way that person wanted. Crazy!
Hey, while you are researching your legislators' scores, you may also want to take some time to research the upcoming constitutional amendments for the November election. If they pass, Texans will be paying a pretty penny. Read about it here. Yikes!
Fran's Lege Update
The drama just keeps on coming in our Texas Legislature! Here's a summary of this weeks' action.
The Senate has set rules for the impeachment trial of Ken Paxton. In a SR35 was adopted for the trial which will begin on Sept. 5th.
The Senate passed SB26,it's latest revised, new and improved tax relief bill.
The House is still adjourned Sine Die.
Governor Abbott has vetoed 76 bills: mostly as punishment to Senate and House for not getting his version of property tax relief passed.
The evil corruption of our culture and our children continues. I can't even count high enough to tell you about the number of stories I've seen in the news about drag shows, pride events, sex perverts in schools, witchcraft courses in universities, and general perversion. We MUST push back!
For more information on these issues and more, and complete details please see the Fran's Friday Message that went out on Friday.
Stay Engaged! Fran Rhodes, President
Wanted: Smiling, Happy Pictures!
Last week I asked you to send me some pictures of you. Only one person did! So I'm asking again. Please send me pics of you and/or your friends smiling in your TTP shirts and hats, or in front of a TTP banner, or working a campaign. When you send them, please include what TTP satellite you attend. You may be featured in a fun, new TTP video. 🙂
Just reply to this email with your pics!
Thank you, Denise & John Stufflebeam of Collin County!
This week at True Texas Project...
You can always see our upcoming events by checking the Events page at this linkbut below is a complete list of the week ahead.
Click on the images to enlarge them, or right click to save them for sharing! (On your phone, you may need to save before you can enlarge.)
Thanks for reading! If you have questions, tips, or encouragement for us, just reply to this email.
For Texas, Julie McCarty, CEO on behalf of the True Texas team
PS. Did you know True Texas Project started as a local tea party way back in 2009? This article was sent to us with the comment that the article gives credit where credit is due. We agree! Thanks, JC Walker!
Click the image to read this article from The Federalist.
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