You wake up sore and confused under a pile of charred debris. You’re a tiny wolf pup a few yards away from where your den once stood -- but it’s no longer there, and the rest of your pack is nowhere to be seen. Instead, all you see are mounds of ashes and burnt earth. Something tragic has happened here, but you aren’t sure yet what has occurred.

The last thing you can remember was being thrown across the forest floor after a sudden explosion of blazing fire and clouds of thick smoke filling your small lungs. Was that your mama wolf who tossed you aside in an attempt to save you from the raging flames?

As you reluctantly approach closer to where your home once stood, you quickly retreat in horror at the sight of a furry limb covered in blood. The corpse is far too mangled and dismembered to identify which of your beloved family members these specific remains belong to. You scurry away in fear. But where will you go? How will you eat?

Without a pack, the chances of survival for a wolf greatly decreases, especially for a vulnerable pup like you who has never had to fend for themself. Now, you are completely orphaned and alone in the world. And despite your mama wolf’s last efforts to save your life, you are simply too weak to survive on your own -- and soon, you will likely DIE of starvation or hypothermia.

Friend, if you didn’t already guess who was responsible for the murderous rampage in the story above: this was the work of CRUEL TROPHY HUNTERS who used dynamite to BLOW UP the den of this harmless wolf pack as the helpless wolf pups slept peacefully. This brutal killing method is just ONE of the many violent ways that ruthless hunters will massacre innocent wolves -- and if we don’t speak up against these vicious slayings now, more precious wolves will continue to be tortured. Every moment of inaction further empowers merciless trophy hunters to keep killing these beloved canines. Friend, we know you don’t condone these inhumane murders, so we’re counting on you to do the right thing. Help protect gray wolves from vicious trophy hunters and defend our planet from special interests! >>

Thanks to the former Trump administration’s efforts to strip away critical Endangered Species Act protections for gray wolves, it’s completely LEGAL in several states for cruel trophy hunters to subject these innocent animals to unimaginable deaths.

But not all hope is lost, Friend. Attempts are being made RIGHT NOW at the federal level to finally REVERSE some of the harmful Trump-era anti-wolf policies, and in the coming months, these critical revisions to the ESA are to be reviewed.

This is likely to stir up already-heated policy debates, while GOP leaders are already working overtime with the hunting lobby to actively introduce bad bills intended to derail all efforts at restoring life-saving wolf protections.

That means it’s crucial that we are prepared to stand our ground, Friend. We MUST urgently build a strong coalition of grassroots environmentalists who refuse to let violent trophy hunters MASSACRE one of America’s most beloved animals. Will you make a membership donation before midnight and protect wolf pups, the habitats they rely on, and the planet? >>

Thank you for taking action,
Friends of the Earth
