From Donald J. Trump <[email protected]>
Subject A NEW status quo for America:
Date June 25, 2023 12:00 AM
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One where YOUR VOICE is once again the most important in Washington. ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌
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When we won the White House and made history in 2016, we disrupted the status
quo like never before.

We turned a totally corrupt D.C. Swamp – full of warmongers and globalists who
for decades profited off puttingYOU dead last – completely on its head.

And from that moment on, we made more enemies in Washington than any political
movement in HISTORY…

We EXPOSED the rotten corruption of the establishment bureaucracy, and we
restored YOUR government to its rightful place:the hands of THE PEOPLE.

But our long list of enemies (the globalist special interests, left-wing
billionaires, Marxist Democrats, RINO elitists, and Deep State thugs) decided
thatnever again would they allow their power to be threatened.

So, they tried to stamp us out, to DESTROY our beautiful movement by burying
us in never-ending witch hunts…

…By attempting to throw me in JAIL for 400 YEARS despite committing NO CRIME!

They’ve taken their hatred of our movement – and of me – to an extreme our
country has never seen before. The Left has truly become a Third World tin-pot

But what these sick and twisted radicals don’t understand is that YOU, the
American people, will NEVER go back to their status quo…

…We will NEVER, EVER SURRENDER our country to their tyranny.

And despite their most vicious attacks and even the threats of IMPRISONMENT
from Crooked Joe’s corrupt DOJ, our resolve to peacefully SAVE America only
grows that much STRONGER.

Which is why I have no doubt in my mind that in 2024, we WILL win back the
White House and cement a NEW status quo in our country.

One where YOU – hardworking Americans – will never again be forgotten, and
where YOUR VOICE is once again the most important in Washington.

Friend, all that I ask today, is that you help me PROVE just how many American
patriots are standing with me in our mission to deliver this new status quo and
save our country.

So please, if you’re not doing too poorly despite Crooked Joe’s disastrous
policies, make a contribution of any amount today –truly, even just $1 – to
stand with me in our fight to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN.
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Thank you,

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Donald J. Trump

45th President of the United States

Contributions to Trump Save America JFC are not deductible for federal income
tax purposes.
Paid for by Trump Save America Joint Fundraising Committee, a joint
fundraising committee composed of and authorized by Donald J. Trump for
President 2024, Inc. and Save
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Trump Save America JFC, PO Box 13570, Arlington, VA 22219

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