From Danica Roem <[email protected]>
Subject A year in and our rights are on the ballot
Date June 24, 2023 6:59 PM
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Dannica for State Senate [[link removed]]

Dear John,

It’s now been a year since the Dobbs decision and the landscape across the South is, in a word, bleak. Virginia is now the last state in the entire region where you can access safe, legal abortion care when you need it – and that’s only because of the elections we’ve won since 2017, which allowed us to pass bills that changed the laws of Virginia and block regressive bills too.

Six years ago, the national headlines from my campaign could more or less be summed up as “transgender candidate defeats self-described ‘chief homophobe’ of Virginia.” Sure, that was all true – but the thing about my predecessor that a national audience may not know is he was the most staunchly anti-abortion legislator in Virginia and perhaps the country throughout his 26 years in office. He fundamentally wanted the law to reflect his personhood viewpoint of life beginning at conception – and he never got his way because Roe v. Wade was law.

As a transgender woman, reproductive freedom and bodily autonomy are integral and essential to my transition and to my health care. So, if I don’t want politicians interfering with my reproductive health care decisions, then I don’t want them to interfere with yours either, nor do I want to interfere with my constituents determining what choice is right for them.

I recently spoke to EMILY’s List, which exists to help elect pro-choice, Democratic women, about it at their annual gala in Washington, D.C. where I was a finalist for the Gabrielle Giffords Rising Star Award. Watch the video here : [[link removed] [[link removed]]

My campaign slogan is “Fixing Roads. Feeding Kids.” because I genuinely do my best to work on the issues that unite the most number of people. It’s why I’ve been able to pass 41 bills into law throughout my six years in office – all with bipartisan support.

But to me, this is about whether you should have the same rights today that you did 13 months ago and the answer is yes. Meanwhile, the contrast in my campaign is clear as day: I support your rights to bodily autonomy and reproductive freedom.

The self-described “pro-life” MAGA Republican nominee running against me does not. He’s endorsed by Gov. Glenn Youngkin, who said in 2022 he would sign “any bill” to ban abortion in Virginia. He’s also endorsed by Supervisor Yesli Vega, who (as reported by the New York Times ) “falsely suggests pregnancy from rape is unlikely,” and by former Del. Tim Hugo, who voted for my predecessor’s bill HB 1 (2012) that stated, “The life of each human being begins at conception.”

I’m the only candidate in this race who supports keeping Virginia’s current abortion law on the books. When the federal government fails us, as it did in the Dobbs decision, then we must act in the states.

Early voting begins just 13 weeks from now on Sept. 22, so please donate $10, $25, $50 $100 or whatever you can to help me earn election to the 30th District of the Virginia state Senate this fall and let’s go protect all of our fundamental rights . [[link removed]]



Friends of Danica Roem
P.O. Box 726
Manassas, VA 20113
United States
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