John, we did it!

Because of our combined advocacy efforts, yesterday the Trump Administration chose to extend Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for 18 months. That is excellent news to the more than 7,000 Syrians, and their friends and family, who are living in the United States legally away from the horrors of the conflict.

While we're still fighting to ensure newer arriving Syrians can still be eligible for TPS, this announcement shows that your voice and our efforts together made a difference.

Here's what we did together, as part of a coalition with Syrian American Council (SAC) and American Relief Coalition for Syria (ARCS):

1. Engaged Congress

Congress was crucial in convincing the Trump Administration to renew TPS for Syrians. And stories are what move heart and minds.

Our coalition brought a diverse group of TPS holders—including a dental student from Iowa and artists from New York—to talk about why being forced to return to Syria before it's safe would amount to a "death sentence" for them. And Members of Congress, including members of the Tea Party and allies of the President, took action. We worked with their offices to urge the Trump Administration to renew TPS through three congressional letters and private phone calls with officials. Read examples here:

  • House-led letter (Link)
  • Senate-led letter (Link)

2. Told our story in the media

TPS holders like Moe, Michael, and Nada were crucial to make the case for why going to back to Syria would be a "death sentence" for Syrians living in the United States. In case you missed it, check out these stories we developed in the news media:

  • ABC News: Trump administration may end protected status for Syrians, leaving many fearing 'a death sentence'
  • Washington Post: The enduring cruelty of Trump’s immigration agenda
  • Religion News Service: Trump aims to protect persecuted Christians, but some aren’t sure he’s helping
  • The Christian Post: Syrian Christians in US fear deportation as their protected status is in 'jeopardy'
  • WORLD Magazine: Syrians seek temporary U.S. protection
  • CBN News: Trump Must Protect Persecuted Syrians and Extend Temporary Protected Status (TPS)

3. Made the case to Trump's decision makers

In addition to making the case to the Trump Administration through congressional advocacy and the press, we met directly with officials at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), which makes the actual decision. Our meeting and follow-up ensured they knew the dangers of forced return to Syria, the benefits TPS holders have on American society, and their eventual desire to return home.

Our meeting was crucial in their decision-making process to ensure they heard from Syrians themselves.

As we continue to push to make sure all Syrians living here have legal status, please support our efforts in Washington!

Americans for a Free Syria (AFS) is a non-partisan, non-profit that advocates for human rights, the rule of law and U.S. national security interests in Syria.

One Thomas Circle | Suite 700 | Washington, District of Columbia xxxxxx 
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