The town of Horní Jiřetín in Czechia, under the leadership of its Green mayor - Vladimír Buřt of the Green Party “Zeleni” - has been resisting threats of demolition due to the nearby coal mining operations.
We will keep working closely with the Green Party of England and Wales, the Scottish Greens and the Northern Irish Greens to further offer solutions to fight the climate crisis that work for citizens in the EU and in the UK.
The Swiss Greens are celebrating the approval by a referendum of the expansion of the anti-discrimination law to protect LGBTI persons’ rights. (in German here)
Their coalition partners accompanied them in their presentation, as well as Mar Garcia, secretary general of the European Greens. You can read the full document (in Macedonian) here.
The Greens/EFA group oppose the funding of new fossil fuel projects. The proposed gas projects on the PCI list are not commensurate with future EU gas demand and would further increase greenhouse gas emissions.
This week, Greens/EFA MEPs Saskia Bricmont, Erik Marquardt and Tineke Strik have returned from a fact-finding mission to Croatia’s border with Bosnia and Herzegovina and to refugee camps.
Read here our Charter for the Smart City, a collaborative Charter that guides green European politicians and activists to assess and steer technological innovations in their cities (available in EN, FR, NL, DE and CZ).
Awareness has grown of the intimate link between climate change and migration in past years but it remains a complex and contentious issue. In a debate fanned by the media and populist politicians, University of Liège researcher Caroline Zickgraf separates myth from reality and explains how our changing environment is making people move..
FYEG with its 2019 work plan spread the word on social rights far and wide. FYEG organized decentralised local activities called “hackathons” in seven different European countries. In these intense
teamwork projects participants produced tools to combat social injustice.
All across Europe the youth are in a vulnerable position, living through perpetual instability, and depending on the social and political nuance and shrinking opportunities. In
the Social Rights Issue young Green activists across europe think more about our social rights, keep imagining different and better worlds and sharing inspiration to take action.