![]() Freedom and liberty. What is meant by these terms? Both refer to the quality of being free. But to be “free from” what and “free to do” what? Freedom and liberty are the first principles of conservatism and the last principles of the radical, progressive, socialist, Marxist, leftist (Democrat) ideology. I could ask 10 individuals .. When the Titanic sank, G.K. Chesterton wrote an essay called “The Great Shipwreck As An Analogy.” Now that this same ship has unexpectedly become the site of another tragedy over a century later, I take the liberty of doing likewise. One must first, of course, say a prayer for the souls of our unfortunate fellow .. James Landis is widely credited with crafting the theoretical architecture supporting President Roosevelt’s radical reconstruction—and expansion—of the federal government. Landis shrewdly both established and legitimized the regulatory state, including Roosevelt’s creation of new federal administrative agencies, by offering the regulatory state as the solution to the problem of modern governance: the administrative state “is, in ... This is not a difficult equation, even for those who are as math challenged as I am. Perhaps you are an anarchist, and this might be a bit over your head. But if you think, as I do, that government is necessary and the least amount of government possible to maximize both the freedom and .. The first of this trilogy of meditations on artificial intelligence (AI) and art pondered the contrast between AI and the imaginations of artists. In essence, it concluded: What AI will decimate with authors and all artistic creators is the very essence of art: a human being crafting a work for the purposes of escapist and/or .. In what only can be described as a bizarre and disturbing turn of events, after a five-year investigation, the Justice Department this week announced a plea agreement with Hunter Biden, the troubled son of President Joe Biden. Under the deal, the president’s son would plead guilty to two misdemeanor counts of willful failure to pay .. The White House won’t respond and Attorney General Merrick Garland is playing defense after the release of sworn testimony from two IRS whistleblowers alleging special treatment in the agency’s investigation of the president’s son, Hunter Biden. The House Ways and Means Committee voted Tuesday to make public the transcripts of the IRS agents’ testimonies—two days .. PO Box 455, Leesburg, VA 20178 Unsubscribe |