Hi John, here's an update on the latest.
We've got the guts to say what you're thinking.


If you have ever wondered why people say “Pauline Hanson has the guts to say what we are thinking”, then you should probably take a look at this speech from Senator Hanson.

Much of the time in Parliament this week was spent lamenting the failures of the “Closing the Gap” program.

Some blamed the Government, some blamed white Australians, some blamed racism, the list went on.

It took Senator Hanson to point out that among the politicians pointing the finger and spreading the blame, no one had suggested that perhaps some indigenous communities need to reflect on what they could be doing to close the gap themselves.

Cue the outrage!
Labor and Greens politicians jumped to their feet with their tired old shrieks of racism and bigotry.

Countless media articles came the next day decrying the evils of Senator Hanson’s words.

But we have seen this all before.


Which is why Senator Hanson did not back down, she stood by her speech and defended the points she had made to the hilt.

Because unlike the majority of politicians in parliament house, Senator Hanson has travelled to the communities they were mentioning and has seen the suffering and the wasted resources.

She has seen the failures of the major parties and the other do-gooders, even with tens of billions of dollars to hand out, to help “close the gap” in the slightest.

Things will never change until we start speaking honestly about reality.
We cannot keep throwing good money at bad decisions then pat ourselves on the back as if we are helping.

Until we start treating all Australians equal and start distributing help based on need instead of race, these issues that divide the country can never be addressed.


For decades far-left activists and progressives have been on a long march through the institutions. They have been allowed to control the agendas of our schools and universities unchallenged.

The Liberals and Nationals have been too scared to stand up against these activists fearing they will cause offence.

Once again, it is has been left for One Nation to take up the fight and put forward a plan to end the rot that is being forced upon Australian youth under the guise of education.

Continuing a busy week, Senator Hanson tabled her Bill to end the indoctrination of our children.

Under this proposal, parents would be granted the power to challenge the biased misinformation being rammed down the throats of their children.

It would require that schools teach a balanced view of information instead of presenting a heavily skewed agenda, biased toward unproven claims on topics such as gender and climate change.

Slowly the tide is turning against the lies and propaganda that has been used to brainwash generations of impressionable kids, and One Nation is leading the way.



The fight to fix the broken family law system moved to the next stage this week with the Senate enquiry established by One Nation holding it’s first public hearing.

To keep the entire process open and transparent, One Nation will be streaming these hearings on Senator Hanson’s Facebook Page.

Sunlight is the best disinfectant!

For many, this will be a long process but progress is being made. Many hundreds of people have made their submissions to the inquiry into the family law system, and soon they will be given their opportunity to have their voices heard.

Eventually, the chorus of voices demanding change will become too loud, and the mountains of evidence too overwhelming for even those in the Greens to ignore and the broken Family Law system can begin repairs.


You can keep track of the inquiry by visiting the official website.
That is this weeks recap from One Nation. 

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