Dear Friend,
I appreciate your reading this weekly update and continue to encourage you to forward to your family and friends.
We Live in an Award-Winning District
Recently, two of our cities won awards for their tremendous accomplishments. Starkville won the Outstanding Private Downtown Revitalization Project at the Mississippi Main Street Association banquet this week, and Meridian was recognized at the same event for the positive progress happening there. I am proud to represent these two award-winning cities.
Schiff Resolution
This week, the House of Representatives held two votes on H. Res. 521. This resolution censured Representative Adam Schiff and also instructed the House Committee on Ethics to conduct an investigation into the past actions of Schiff. On the first vote, I voted in favor of allowing the resolution to move forward for debate and ultimately to allow the House to consider the resolution. Because this resolution both imposes a sanction while also directing the Ethics Committee to investigate, I along with all Republican members on the Ethics Committee voted “Present.” As the Chairman of the committee to which the matter would be referred, I voted “Present” to avoid any appearance that I may have prejudged the matter or otherwise could not conduct the investigation called for in the resolution, and to avoid having to recuse myself in any pending investigation.
Hunter Biden’s Felony Charges
This week’s announcement by the Department of Justice that Hunter Biden’s felony charges will be reduced to misdemeanors, and he will not have to spend one night in jail only reinforces that there appears to be a two-tiered criminal justice system in America. As a former prosecutor, I am appalled that two felony tax evasion cases, totaling hundreds of thousands of dollars, and a felony firearm charge were pled down to misdemeanors and that Hunter Biden will not be required to serve time in jail for breaking the law. This administration has done more to undermine the American public’s trust in our justice system than any in history.
Biden Impeachment
The House of Representatives voted this week to direct the Committee on the Judiciary and the Committee on Homeland Security to begin the process of impeaching President Biden. I voted in favor of this measure and look forward to playing a role in the process as a member of the Committee on Homeland Security.
Middle Class Borrower Protection Act of 2023
You’ve probably heard that the Biden Administration wants to subsidize mortgage fees on the backs of those with good credit. House Republicans took action this week on the Biden Administration’s newest socialist scheme. I voted YES on the Middle Class Borrower Protection Act of 2023. This bill would protect homebuyers with good credit from unnecessary payments to subsidize homeownership in the name of “equity.” I will continue to fight to protect Mississippians from the Biden Administration’s destructive policies.
Welcoming Mississippi Students to Washington, D.C. as Summer Interns
This week, I welcomed three new interns to my D.C. office for our second summer session. Our first summer session ended this week, and I am thankful for our interns who spent time in D.C. working for our Third District constituents. I am happy to have had Will Woods, Drew Antici, and Parker Kirby serve as interns in my D.C. office for the first summer session. I am grateful for their service to Mississippi’s Third Congressional District and wish them all continued success in their future endeavors. If you or anyone you know is interested in an internship with our office either in D.C. or in Mississippi, you can apply here.
