Daily Docket — Friday, June 23
This Sunday marks the 10-year anniversary of Shelby County v. Holder, the landmark case that gutted the preclearance requirements of the Voting Rights Act. Read how the disastrous decision has paved the way for a decade of attacks on voting rights in North Carolina.
Here are some recent updates. |
Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer sued failed Republican gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake for defamation. Lake has continuously made false statements about her election loss in Arizona, statements that have, according to Richer, altered his life for the worse.
Here’s what to expect coming up. |
Also on Monday, there will be a hearing in an Oregon case that argues that voting tabulation systems are “inherently unsecure and vulnerable to manipulation and intrusion,” therefore violating the 14th Amendment. The plaintiffs cited debunked conspiracy theories to support their claims; the defendants are asking the court to dismiss the case.
A new episode of Defending Democracy dropped this morning! In this week's episode, Marc and Paige recap the types of voting bills Republican-led states prioritized enacting this year compared to those in Democratic-led states. Listen on Apple, Spotify or wherever you get your podcasts.
This is a Daily Docket email where we provide the day’s voting rights news and courtroom updates that you need to know. |
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