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The Biden Administration has emboldened an unconstitutional fourth branch of government – a branch of unelected bureaucrats creating costly regulations and ignoring the will of people to ram through an unpopular agenda.

When it comes to government regulation, we should be thinking about subtraction, not addition. That's why I introduced the Red Tape Reduction Act. This legislation revives five deregulatory executive orders and forces the Biden Administration to eliminate two regulations for every new one proposed. This legislation is an important first step to increase transparency and eliminate bureaucracy.

Bottom line: we need less DC regulation and more Iowa common sense. I will keep fighting to limit government in your life.


Standing Up for Taxpayers

This week, I joined the National Taxpayers Union (NTU) to discuss my efforts to restore fiscal responsibility by cutting wasteful spending, eliminating burdensome red tape, and increasing transparency. I am guided by a simple principle: it's your money, not the government's money!

House Floor Recap

In Iowa, we value commonsense. We believe hard work should be rewarded, the law should be followed, and if you take out a loan, you pay it back. Unfortunately, the Biden Administration and many on the left continue issuing out of touch proposals and policies that fly in the face of individual responsibility and accountability. 

Americans elected a Republican majority in the House to push back and protect the country from this ridiculous agenda. This week alone we held the line against three of the most radical ideas put forward by the left.

  • I voted to denounce President Biden's veto of bipartisan legislation to block his student loan “cancelation” scheme and continue the fight to block this unfair proposal and safeguard taxpayers.  
  • I voted for the Middle Class Borrower Protection Act to block President Biden's unfair rule forcing borrowers with good credit to subsidize loans for riskier borrowers with poor credit.  
  • I voted to condemn the use of elementary and secondary schools and gyms to provide shelter for illegal immigrants to ensure that public schools don’t become sanctuaries for illegal immigrants.

I'll continue working to make commonsense a common virtue again! Watch my floor recap video here.

Protecting Small Businesses from CCP Theft

There are countless instances of the CCP stealing from Americans – in Iowa, they were caught in our fields, stealing our seeds to reverse engineer back in China. The U.S. must protect our small businesses, farmers, and critical infrastructure against the CCP’s IP theft.

I joined my colleagues in sending a letter to the DOJ to take action to protect American small businesses from the CCP's aggressive intellectual property theft. Read more here and watch my full interview with Fox Business here.

SBA Pro-Life

It was great meeting with Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America's Marilyn Musgrave on our ongoing efforts to save as many lives as possible. We’ll continue working together to defend life and support new families.

Iowa State University

I caught up with Iowa State University President Wendy Wintersteen this week! Matt is a proud alum, and it was great to hear about Iowa State’s successful school year and future plans. Go Cyclones!

City of Cedar Rapids

I enjoyed meeting with Mayor O’Donnell and the great Cedar Rapids team to discuss economic development, workforce initiatives, and ways we can bring federal investments home. We’ll continue working together to keep Cedar Rapids a great place to live, work, and raise a family. 

Iowa Rural Electric Co-Ops

Students with the Iowa Rural Electric Co-Ops swung by our office this week. These students have a bright future ahead!

Community Highlights

My team attended the ribbon cutting for the new DeWolf Innovation Center in Cedar Rapids to support those with dementia, their caregivers, and family.

My team attended the ribbon cutting for the Tower Terrace Road interchange connecting Cedar Rapids, Robins, and Marion all the way to Highway 13. A big milestone for us!

Headline Highlights

Fox Business: Bullies like China respond to strength: Rep. Ashley Hinson

Radio Iowa: Congresswoman Hinson introduces bill on cutting regulations

Fox Business: Rep. Ashley Hinson: '40 years of appeasement to China is long enough'

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