
Bake the cake and light the candles: Today we celebrate 51 years of Title IX. 🎉

Title IX is the landmark sex equality law passed as part of the Education Amendments of 1972. Although many people associate Title IX with women’s sports, the law is, in fact, a simple non-discrimination mandate that bans sex discrimination in all federally funded education programs.

The passage ushered in a period of unprecedented educational opportunity for women and girls. Today, women earn the majority of bachelor’s degrees, master’s degrees, and doctorates), and women today outnumber men in both law school and medical school.

Title IX has also led to an explosion in women and girls playing sports, with the number of women playing college sports increasing 619% between 1972 and 2022 and the number of female high school athletes increasing by 999% during the same time period.

Because of its enactment, women have been able to play their own sports and compete on their own fair playing field and in their own private and protected category and spaces. 

But today, Title IX and all that it has done for equal opportunities is under threat. The White House and Democrat Congressional leaders are on a mission to rewrite Title IX to replace ‘sex’ with ‘gender’ and ‘gender ideology.’ 

This is an assault on women’s rights.

IWF’s Storytelling Coordinator Andrea Mew has a must-read piece in The Federalist today. In part, she writes:
“Growing up in our post-third-wave feminism world, I always assumed egalitarians wanted to empower women. But as I witness male athletes celebrated for their participation in competitive women’s sports, I see nothing more destructive to egalitarianism than how women are being affected by this overt psychological warfare.

The mass-scale demoralization that’s taking place in America is leaving women feeling consistently and systematically undermined.

Our trust in humanity understandably erodes when we watch the very systems we once thought were in place to safeguard equality, mutual respect, and coexistence fail.”

Over the past year, Independent Women’s Forum has been at the forefront working to take back Title IX and counter the Left’s erasure of women through our various efforts — testimony, media, storytelling, policy panels, and engaging your support through comment drives, petitions, and letters. 

Friend, we appreciate you being on our team. Together we will continue to fight for equal opportunities, safety, and security of women and ensure Title IX returns to its rightful state: giving both sexes equal rights that they deserve and need. 

Join us in celebration and fortitude as we continue forward in the fight to preserve Title IX. 

Check out these resources, reports, and actions to take and share them with your friends and loved ones:
Thank you for your support. Without it, IWF couldn’t have the impact and make the gains we do.
