
Dear Friend, 

It’s been another busy week in Washington, DC and I wanted to pass along my latest update on what we are doing to fight for Maryland’s First Congressional district and our American future. 

This week in Congress we:

Passed the Middle-Class Borrower Protection Act of 2023 which eliminates the Biden Administration’s new socialist tax on creditworthy homebuyers to subsidize those with riskier loans.

Passed  H.Res. 461, which condemns using elementary and secondary school facilities to provide shelter for illegal aliens who are not admitted to the United States. 

Held the Biden Administration accountable for their coverup and corruption by releasing 14 hours of transcribed interviews with two IRS whistleblowers, which show that President Biden not only knew about Hunter Biden’s corrupt foreign business deals, but was also in the room for them.  

Voted to Censure Congressman Adam Schiff for using his position, on a key intelligence committee, to cite misleading and nonexistent Russian collusion claims.

Lead effort to get the H-2B returning worker exemption passed through the full Homeland Security Appropriations subcommittee mark-up.


District Updates

Met With Watermen to Discuss Ocean City Inlet and Other Local Issues of Concern 

On Monday, I met with watermen, elected officials, and local stakeholders in Ocean City to discuss solutions to the shoaling problems at the Ocean City inlet. As part of the discussion, I committed to working with my colleagues in Congress and insisting the Army Corp of Engineers do a better job in keeping the inlet open both for recreational and commercial use.

Safe navigation through the inlet is vitally important to the Ocean City economy, and we must make sure that on the federal level, the Army Corp of Engineers is checking in regularly on the inlet and dredging it more than twice a year. 

News Articles:

Rep. Andy Harris holds inlet channel focus session in Ocean City | News |

Rep. Andy Harris: "The Ocean City Inlet isn't being dredged often enough, or deep enough." - 47abc (

ImagePhoto Credit: Hunter Hine

In The News

H-2B Returning Worker Exemption Passes Through House Appropriations Full Committee Mark-Up


This week we advanced the H-2B returning worker exemption through the full Homeland Security Subcommittee markup. 

This is welcome news for the numerous seasonal businesses in Maryland's First Congressional District and across the nation that rely on the H-2B visa program to meet their labor needs. Demand for foreign workers in seasonal employment has soared in recent years, especially with crippling labor shortages associated with the pandemic. Based on input from small businesses across Maryland’s Eastern Shore, I know this program is an essential part of the First Congressional District’s economy and supports thousands of related jobs filled by American citizens. As such, I am very proud to have worked with my bipartisan colleagues to advance this returning worker exemption through committee and I will continue to support this exemption until a permanent solution is achieved.

News Article:

News Article: Congressman Harris releases statement on H-2B returning worker exemption - 47abc 

For more daily updates, follow me on:

How We Can Help

If you have any issue with a federal agency, like the IRS, the VA, Social Security, Medicare, or passports, please don’t hesitate to contact my office. My office teams are ready to assist you. If you are interested in purchasing a flag that has been flown over the U.S. Capitol, for a person or occasion, please visit my website or call my office at 202-225-5311. Below are links to services my office offers, and we hope to hear from you. 


Andy Harris, M.D.
Member of Congress

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