Dear Friend,
It’s been another busy week in Washington, DC and I wanted to pass along my latest update on what we are doing to fight for Maryland’s First Congressional district and our American future.
This week in Congress we:
Passed the Middle-Class Borrower Protection Act of 2023 which eliminates the Biden Administration’s new socialist tax on creditworthy homebuyers to subsidize those with riskier loans.
Passed H.Res. 461, which condemns using elementary and secondary school facilities to provide shelter for illegal aliens who are not admitted to the United States.
Held the Biden Administration accountable for their coverup and corruption by releasing 14 hours of transcribed interviews with two IRS whistleblowers, which show that President Biden not only knew about Hunter Biden’s corrupt foreign business deals, but was also in the room for them.
Voted to Censure Congressman Adam Schiff for using his position, on a key intelligence committee, to cite misleading and nonexistent Russian collusion claims.
Lead effort to get the H-2B returning worker exemption passed through the full Homeland Security Appropriations subcommittee mark-up.