CR Summer 2023 Newsletter
-Happy Belated Fathers' Day
-Issue 39 of The Abolitionist printed
-June 29 Webinar: Building & Winning Campaigns

Dear Friends of Critical Resistance,
After starting the month off supporting comrades in Atlanta resist Cop City, this June Critical Resistance (CR) has focused on continuing to carry our campaign and project work forward. As Fathers’ Day came and went, we reflect on the impacts of the prison industrial complex (PIC) on our families, and the countless papas, parents and grandparents separated from loved ones behind bars in prisons, jails, and detention centers. In 2008, the number of fathers in US jails and prisons had increased four-fold since 1980, when 92 percent of imprisoned parents in state and federal prisons in the early 2000s in the US were identified as fathers. More recent research shows that about half of imprisoned people in prisons for men are fathers separated from their children outside. 

CR's work to close at least 10 prisons in California with Californians United for a Responsible Budget (CURB) and to pass the Dignity Not Detention Act in New York to end immigration detention with Abolish ICE New York New Jersey coalition, is undoubtedly work for family reunification, to stabilize our communities from generations of harm enacted by the PIC. 

On Juneteenth (June 19) earlier this week, our latest issue of The Abolitionist printed, featuring articles from movement partners working with organizations like Interrupting Criminalization and the Beyond Do No Harm Network, Movement for Family Power and Youth Justice Coalition, California Coalition for Women Prisoners, Intransitive, Iranians for Abolition, and more. Issue 39, now en route to over 5,300 subscribers inside and outside of cages, examines how and why reproductive justice is a vital field of struggle for PIC abolition, considering that at their core both reproductive justice and PIC abolition are about self-determination and body autonomy, as well as the right to parent and build, protect, or provide for our families.
Moving into the summer months as we continue to wage forward our campaign fights, CR will be working on distributing 1,000 additional copies of Issue 39 at community and movement events, convenings, and conferences into the fall. In September, we’ll be hosting a virtual launch event for the issue featuring contributing authors (please look out for more information to join us then coming soon). And to support The Abolitionist and free subscriptions to imprisoned people, subscribe today and receive your own copy of issue 39 (digital or print) in our second mailing in August.

Next Up, June 29:

Join Us for a Virtual Event on Winning Abolitionist Campaigns

As 2023 marks 25 years since CR’s first conference in 1998, and since hosting a successful fundraiser in early May celebrating CR turn 25, we’ve also been thinking of how the movement to abolish the PIC can benefit today and into the next decades from considering more insights and lessons learned from our first 25 years of strategy and struggle for PIC abolition. As CR Campaign Director Mohamed Shehk mentioned at our “Toward Abolitionist Horizons” fundraiser, CR has waged numerous campaigns against imprisonment and policing in different chapter cities in the last 25 years. Many of CR’s campaigns have won monumental demands that have forever changed the local terrain of abolitionist organizing for our chapters, and have forged concrete examples for other organizations, coalitions, and communities internationally to experiment with.
Next week on Thursday June 29, CR is hosting a webinar to uplift some of those insights on building and winning abolitionist campaigns, featuring seasoned abolitionist organizers like CR co-founder and former director Rachel Herzing, alongside Judah Schept, and Sharlyn Grace. Read more about these powerhouse organizers and check out more details of the event including the link to register on our website here.
RSVP for June 29 event here

Hope to see you next week for Building & Winning Abolitionist Campaigns, and at other events this summer.
Onward, for a world without walls or cages,
-Critical Resistance


Flyer announcing a job opening with a photo of 4400 Telegraph building as the background, a blue building with colorful, vibrant murals around it, CR's COVID-19 platform in the windows, and "Building People Power" painted on the top of the building over the front glass doors. Flyer text in large capitalized letters read: "We're Hiring", followed by a label with the position "Capital Campaign Manager" and "Apply Now!" below. At the bottom of the flyer: "Send your cover letter & resume to"
Job Opening with Building People Power: Capital Campaign Manager in North Oakland, CA
Building People Power (BPP) is developing a vacant 9,000 square foot building at 4400 Telegraph Ave in Oakland, CA into a center for political organizing and education, and community building.  Hosting the Capital Campaign, CR is seeking a Capital Campaign Manager to secure required funding to complete the project within the next 3 years.
Critical Resistance is majority grassroots-funded. Donate today!

#SustainCR with monthly donations or a one-time gift here.
Mural by Leslie “Dime” Lopez at 4400 Telegraph Ave, Oakland, CA, 2019.
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