
In 1992, a hydroponic tomato grower from Holland started a company in Wilcox, AZ, called Eurofresh. There, they operated 80 acres of hothouses where workers worked year-round, growing and harvesting tomatoes and cucumbers. In 1999, the workers there had grown tired of the mistreatment and exploitative practices and started looking for help from local unions. The dilemma was that since 1972, it was almost impossible to organize farmworkers in Arizona because of a change in the labor laws that unfairly gave jurisdiction to the very powerful growers throughout the state. The classic ‘fox watching the henhouse’ scenario! The United Farmworkers had moved on to other states, and for many of the workers, it seemed hopeless.

UFCW Local 99 was one of the unions that responded by sending as many of their Spanish-speaking organizers as they could to help the workers. There were several hundred workers there, many of whom lived in Mexico and worked every day in Wilcox; many lived in the surrounding areas of Wilcox and Douglas; and many lived in what was essentially company housing, dilapidated mobile homes in the desert near the hothouses.

After two weeks of being on strike without receiving their last paychecks, the union organizers led the workers to the hothouses to get the checks they were due. As they entered the grounds, security closed and locked the gates behind them, sending the workers into a panic. In the meantime, security at the company called law enforcement to respond. As luck would have it, the state of Arizona was holding military-type maneuvers in the area in preparation for ‘Y2K’! There possibly could have been mass arrests at the scene, but for the quick reaction and response by UFCW Local 99 and then Arizona State Attorney General Janet Napolitano, it could have spelled disaster! The union was able to negotiate with the Attorney General a situation that allowed the workers to get their checks and leave the premises immediately while four of the union’s lead organizers were arrested and transported to the Safford jail, where they were detained with a reporter from a local Tucson newspaper.

Upon interviewing the organizers during their time together in jail and publishing a great article the next day, at least the readers in Southern Arizona were able to learn about the plight of the local farmworkers. And during the organizing program, the union learned that the laws that had been changed to make it practically impossible to organize farmworkers in Arizona pertained to ‘seasonal’ workers! As I noted earlier, these workers picked tomatoes ‘year-round. The union took full advantage of this opportunity and was able to, within a year, win the ‘union’ election and negotiate their first contract, successfully organizing the first farmworkers in Arizona since Cesar Chavez!

For all of the amazing work by the union, the commitment and sacrifice of those union organizers, and the courage and determination of the workers who went on a ‘wildcat’ strike to demand justice and dignity in the workplace. It could have all been derailed with mass arrests, incarcerations, and deportations if not for the cooperation and commitment of the State Attorney General, who labor supported and worked to get elected, for times such as these!

Elections matter! This is why we worked so hard for Governor Hobbs, Secretary of State Fontes, and Attorney General Mayes. And it’s why the AFL-CIO has endorsed President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, our most worker-friendly President and Vice President in our lifetimes, for re-election in 2024. Elections matter!










A. Philip Randolph Institute at The Valley of the Sun Juneteenth Event


Pride Month


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