
HB 3414 was originally written to address the housing emergency, but this week a bad land use amendment was added that allows for one time expansions of urban growth boundaries without even showing a need for the expansion. In the last few days of session it looks as though this Major Threat bill could still move to a vote: Will you take action today to urge your state lawmakers to vote no on this bill?

Oregon’s unique land use laws are one of the things that makes Oregon exceptional. Thanks to our urban growth boundaries we are better than other states at preserving the natural beauty and agricultural abundance of our state. Every year we at OLCV along with our partners in the Oregon Conservation Network have to fight to protect our land use laws against big developers and other special interests attempting to pass bills that roll back these laws–bills like HB 3414A. 

While we fully support taking urgent action to address Oregon’s housing crisis, we know that expanding our urban growth boundaries without following the existing laws is not how we get there. This bill with the urban growth expansion included, would lead to more urban sprawl, making it harder to reduce climate pollution and address climate change. And, crossing into the wildland-urban borders will expose more Oregonians to fire risk. Please take action today urging your lawmakers to vote NO on this bill!

Developing land outside of urban growth boundaries is expensive and hard to access for those who need housing the most. The best kind of affordable housing needs to happen on lands within cities where there are existing roads and amenities like schools and supermarkets. If anything, our cities and towns need more resources for infrastructure for new climate friendly and affordable housing. We have land inside our cities that could be converted to more kinds of housing (including multi-family housing) and more affordable housing. This kind of development would make the most of our underutilized urban areas while addressing the housing crisis, abiding by our land use laws, and preserving our green spaces.

HB 3414A is currently in committee, and could move at any time to a vote. With only a couple days left in session, bills can move very quickly to a full vote by all the members of the House of Representatives. This is why it’s important that your lawmakers hear from you right away. Please take a moment right now to urge your state lawmakers to vote NO on HB 3414A.

Thank you for all that you do!

Julia DeGraw

Coalition Director, OLCV

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 Paid for by Oregon League of Conservation Voters.