Exposing the shady schemes of far-Left operatives in our state is precisely the type of work that motivates us here at Shift WA every day.
Shift Washington

Hypocrisy is a recurring theme in liberal politics, and it's something we here at Shift WA have exposed in our investigative reporting for many years. Perhaps no other story exposed liberal hypocrisy more than our original features on the Progress Alliance of Washington.
Democrats launched an attack network back in 2005. It all started with a few tech millionaires who sought to push Washington State's politics even further to the Left. After studying the playbook used in Colorado the previous year, they devised a strategy to circumvent our state's financial disclosure laws by operating outside of party and candidate control, all while keeping their activities hidden from the public.
It didn’t take a lot of effort to find accomplices, including union representatives, social justice activists, and radical environmentalists. All gladly accepted the dark money through sketchy means. For an example, look no further than the then record-breaking fine imposed by the Public Disclosure Commission (PDC) on the Democrat consulting group Moxie Media for its involvement in Progress Alliance priorities.
Exposing the shady schemes of far-Left operatives in our state is precisely the type of work that motivates us here at Shift WA every day. We believe that when the public knows the truth behind the liberal agenda – higher taxes, bigger state government, and more control over our lives – public policy will begin to SHIFT in Washington.
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The Shift WA team