
We knew the MAGA diehards in Congress were irredeemable hypocrites, but even we were a bit shocked by just how blatant this week’s impeachment drama was. Yesterday, after a temper tantrum led by, who else, Lauren Boebert, Republicans voted for Congressional committees to consider impeaching President Biden.

And that move came just one day after an insurrectionist led vote to censure Congressman Adam Schiff for his role in impeaching Trump.

This is what happens when you let MAGA radicals take control of the People’s House. They use the levers of power to push their extremist agenda. In this case, they punished Adam Schiff for simply telling the truth and fighting to protect our democracy.

From his position on the January 6th Committee to leading the Trump impeachment, Adam Schiff has always fought to hold his MAGA colleagues accountable.

Now, because of this unprecedented censure, Schiff will become just the second member of the House to be censured in four decades. The other? Paul Gosar. The man who posted a sickening animated video of himself killing Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

That tells you all you need to know about the radicals in the House. They’d rather punish someone for investigating an insurrection on our Capitol than a party member who threatened to kill a political opponent.

This is why we’re fighting so hard to take back the House. 

The dangerous ideology of MAGA Republicans has infiltrated the People’s House. And we need to speak out against it. Sign our petition today condemning the censure of Rep. Adam Schiff.



-Operation 147 





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