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Dear John,

Hardliners in the U.S. House of Representatives are renewing their efforts to “save” Social Security and Medicare by cutting and “reforming” these programs. And House Speaker Kevin McCarthy is now calling for the creation of an “Entitlement Commission” tasked with finding spending cuts to Social Security and Medicare.

This commission could have the power to fast-track proposals through Congress — proposals that would likely include raising the retirement and Medicare eligibility ages, slashing the annual Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA) and privatizing Social Security and Medicare for the benefit of Wall Street brokers and huge insurance companies.

John, given that these are your earned benefits that politicians are talking about cutting and reforming, we want to know:

Your feedback as a senior American on this issue is extremely important. And your ongoing support is essential to helping us fight proposed cuts to your earned benefits.



Dan Adcock
Director of Government Relations & Policy

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