From Zeynab Day, Brand New Congress <[email protected]>
Subject Imagine 37 BNC Representatives!
Date February 13, 2020 11:46 PM
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John --

Brand New Congress has just announced 4 new candidates. We have now grown to include a slate of 37 amazing candidates across 21 states!

We’ve seen the power of what one bold BNC representative can do in office. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has already been fighting for the progressive reforms we are demanding. We’ve also seen thousands flocking to the polls in the Presidential Democratic primaries to vote for progressive values. To demand Medicare for All, housing as a human right, robust criminal justice reform, and a fair immigration system.

The movement is taking hold thanks to supporters like you, thousands of volunteers across the country, and candidates who aren’t afraid to spread the word: Our system is broken, and we the people can fix it! We’re taking our government back.

Primaries are at our doorstep. We have candidates in California, Texas, Illinois and Ohio that have primaries in early March, and they need to reach as many voters as they can. Right now, Brand New Congress is helping them galvanize their field plans and communicate with voters. We’ve even launched a Get Out the Vote phone banking program that dozens of BNC volunteers have signed on to help.

We know this is just the beginning. The road to November is stacked full of obstacles for our candidates.

Can you contribute a monthly donation of $20.20 today to help us do all we can to reach voters in these critical primaries?

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Yours for the revolution,

Zeynab Day
Brand New Congress

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