
We all know Jon has what it takes to put up a tough fight. Back in 2018, he was one of only two Democratic Senators to win re-election in a red state. In fact, Trump won Montana by a whopping 20 points.

But still, the dirt farmer with only seven fingers from Big Sandy kept Montana’s Senate seat blue and is working hard to fight for everyday folks like you.

Democrats need his Montana grit to win big again this year.

You see, even though major election forecasters are saying Democrats have a real shot at taking back the Senate, Mitch McConnell is doing everything he can to block them.

McConnell and his wealthy buddies have already pledged to spend nearly $200 million to attack vulnerable Democrats across the country. They’re flooding the airwaves, funding field operations, and spreading disinformation to tear Democrats down.

Jon won his re-election because he didn’t rely on corporations or wealthy special interests to get the job done. He depended on folks like you chipping in what you could to make a difference. Now, it’s up to us to take that energy and make sure other Democrats up for election can win too.

If you can, would you add a donation of $10 or more ahead of our mid-quarter fundraising deadline? Every dollar you give would fuel our movement to make sure Democrats win big and take back the Senate this year.

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Thanks for all you do,

Team Tester