A small business complained about crime in Chicago. Then the feds came after it.


The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau in 2017 began investigating Townstone Financial, a small mortgage company in Chicago, over remarks made on the company radio show. In 2020, the agency sued the company, alleging violation of civil rights law.

It felt like "David and Goliath," said Barry Sturner, Townstone's president and PLF client.

The Washington Free Beacon reports on the unprecedented legal battle that followed.

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The Messenger: Rendering unto Caesar only what is Caesar’s, states can’t steal your equity


Americans don’t agree on much these days, but here’s one point of cross-partisan consensus: When you owe the government an inch, it shouldn’t take a mile.

While PLF and the American Civil Liberties Union often disagree, writes David Cole, the ACLU’s national legal director, we were on the same side in Geraldine Tyler’s Supreme Court triumph over home equity theft.

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A new city ordinance would have evicted “The Golden Girls”


Dorothy: Girls, girls! You won’t believe the letter I just got! It’s from the city; they say we can’t live together under one roof anymore.

Rose: Well, Dorothy, what are we going to do?! We can’t afford to live separately.

Sam Spiegelman’s reimagined episode of TV’s “The Golden Girls,” while clever and funny, reflects an unfortunate reality that threatens private property rights in Shawnee, Kansas.

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