
I’m reaching out one last time to ask for your support for a special program that pays tribute to our nation's Purple Heart recipients. 
Later this year, the National Purple Heart Honor Mission will host their 2023 Purple Heart Patriot Project Mission. This unique event brings together Purple Heart honorees from across the nation for an all-expenses-paid trip to visit the historic birthplace of the Purple Heart, the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, the deeply moving National Purple Heart Hall of Honor, and other historic sites associated with the Purple Heart. 

My words cannot truly reflect the profound impact these events have on our heroes. 
I am asking for your help to ensure this mission is funded. We can't do it without you.

Brigadier General Donald C. Bolduc (USA Ret.)
The National Purple Heart Honor Mission is an approved 501(c)3 charity. All contributions are tax-deductible to the fullest extent permitted by law.
Our mailing address is:
Don Bolduc
PO Box 5211
Manchester, NH 03108-5211

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