
Tomorrow will mark one year since the Supreme Court issued the Dobbs decision, the ruling that overturned Roe and began the biggest rollback of fundamental rights in our lifetimes. 

And, in a twist of fate, tomorrow also marks 500 days out from Election Day, 2024 -- a day that will determine whether we have the chance to restore and expand those rights, or if MAGA Republicans will claw back enough power to wipe out abortion access (and erode more of our freedoms) nationwide. 

Those are the stakes, clear as can be. 

Indivisible is going to be fighting each and every one of the next 501 days to make sure voters understand that choice, get to the polls, and elect a true Democratic trifecta next year that will eliminate the filibuster and codify Roe

Winning next November is the only way we can restore abortion rights for everyone in this country. So today, we’re asking you to begin a monthly donation to sustain the grassroots organizing it’ll take to win. 

Chip in monthly toward victory in 2024 >> 
Make a one-time donation to support our grassroots organizing >> 

Imagining a Republican Trifecta Post Roe 

We needn’t speculate about the dystopian nightmare that would be unleashed by a Republican trifecta unconstrained by the protections of Roe. We can simply look at what’s happened in the states where MAGA holds power now. 

In the year since the conservative majority gutted Roe, abortion has been banned in 14 states, several others have limited access, and millions of people who can become pregnant have lost access to abortion care -- disproportionately people of color. 

Even where exceptions are in place for health, the threat of criminal prosecution and jail time has intimidated doctors to the point that we’ve seen numerous stories about women being on the brink of death before lifesaving treatment has been allowed, and even hospitals shutting down their labor and delivery units out of fear of liability. These are far from the only stories of physical and emotional torture arising from these bans. 

And for MAGA Republicans, this isn’t the end of their monstrous agenda -- it’s just the start.

In Alabama, legislation has been introduced to prosecute people who get abortions with murder charges. Across the country, Republicans are pushing bills to stop pregnant people from traveling to other states to access abortion care. Even within Congress, there’s been support for such draconian interference with freedom to travel.

Republicans failed in their first attempt to pass a national abortion ban, but that still remains the goal -- in January, the Republican National Committee passed a resolution urging GOP candidates to support the ‘strongest’ anti-abortion legislation possible

Donald Trump -- the twice-impeached, twice-indicted frontrunner for the GOP nomination -- notably refuses to say if he’d sign a national abortion ban, but brags about being directly responsible for killing Roe. And let’s not forget that in 2016 he endorsed punishment for people who get abortions -- one of the most extreme pronouncements on the issue from any national candidate. 

(Most) Republicans aren’t going to talk about it unless we make them

It’s notable that Trump refuses to state what is obvious: that he’d sign a national abortion ban at the first moment he had the chance. Other GOP contenders, many of whom see evangelical voters as their best shot to chip away support from Trump, have been similarly evasive to the point of absurdity (watch Senator Tim Scott not answer the question here). 

The second-place candidate, Ron DeSantis, signed the most extreme abortion ban in the nation. But he did so in the middle of the night, and won’t talk about it on the trail. 

All of this points to the one silver lining of the past year -- support for abortion is at an all time high, and only 38% of Americans think the Dobbs decision was a ‘good thing’ for the country. Any GOP candidate in a competitive race is terrified. As they should be.

Where abortion is on the ballot, it galvanizes voters. Just look at the turnout for the ballot measure in Kansas, or the landslide victory for Indivisible-backed state supreme court Justice Janet Protasiewicz in Wisconsin. We’re likely to see a number of state ballot measures to enshrine reproductive access next year (we’ll have more to say on that soon). 

Our job, as candidates try to run the other way to avoid talking about reproductive freedom, is to remind voters that abortion is also on the ballot in every statehouse, judicial, district attorney, attorney general, gubernatorial, House, and Senate election. And it’s most certainly on the ballot in the 2024 presidential election. 

This is where our movement shines. Because Indivisible has a presence in nearly every congressional district, because we’re continuously building our power in the key 2024 battlegrounds, we can force GOP candidates to answer for what their party has done to erode our rights and what their reelection will mean for our bodily autonomy and personal freedoms. We can get those answers into local press and ads. And if they refuse to answer questions because they know their answer will be wildly unpopular -- hey, we can get that into press and ads too. Want to learn how? Check out our birddogging guide here.

And more than that, we can reach voters directly through the millions of phone calls, texts, and canvassing shifts we’re planning this election cycle. The Dobbs decision overturning Roe unleashed a groundswell of grassroots energy. We’re going to channel it toward holding Republicans accountable and defeating them in 2024. 

We know what we have to do to rebuild our trifecta in 501 days and codify Roe. But to do it, we need your help. The work that goes into crafting the perfect message for a given district, each text/call/ad/postcard/door knock that enables us to reach voters -- it all comes with a cost. 

If you’re committed to getting this done, and you’re in a position to do so, please consider making a monthly gift today >>
If that’s not possible, please consider making a one-time gift >>

We’re living through the things they said would never happen

A lot of things that powerful and important people said would never happen had to happen to get us to where we are today. 

As Sarah emailed about last week, many of us were convinced Trump couldn’t possibly win in 2016. The headlines at this point in 2015 were declaring his campaign a stunt and confidently predicting that “he has virtually zero chance of winning the presidential nomination.” Indivisible didn’t exist then, but many of us can admit to refreshing the polling again and again to reassure ourselves we were right, when we probably should have been picking up extra phonebanking shifts or knocking a few more doors. 

Then Trump won, and got to work appointing MAGA judges. For each and every Supreme Court nomination battle, Republicans told us to ignore everything Gorsuch, Barrett, and Kavanaugh had ever said about the abortion -- there’s no way they’d ever tear up 50 years of precedent and overturn Roe. 

When we fought to the bitter end to block them, because it was obvious to anyone paying attention they’d do away with the constitutional right to abortion the first chance they got, Senator Collins called our concerns “over the top rhetoric and distortions.” Senator Sasse called it “hysteria.” 

Even now, as MAGA judges try to reach across state lines to ban abortion drugs and we have an RNC resolution calling for abortion bans, it’s all but inevitable that we’re going to begin to hear pundits downplay the stakes and MAGA politicians gaslight the public about their intentions. 

Surely, Trump won’t win again, some insist. And friends, it’s pretty damn tempting, even purely as a survival mechanism, to believe it. 

And if Trump wins and MAGA politicians control the House and Senate, surely they won’t do something as politically toxic as actually banning abortion nationwide, talking heads will say. It’s comforting to believe that too. 

But at this point, we know better. A few thousand votes difference in a few states and Trump -- whatever his legal situation -- can win. If turnout drops in a few states with competitive races, they could retake the Senate. 

We know what they, and the MAGA judges they appoint, will do not only to abortion rights, but to access to contraception, LGBTQ+ rights, and a host of other personal freedoms, too. 

As much as we need to remind ourselves that the above is absolutely possible if we don’t fight like hell over the next year, let’s all remember that another future is equally possible if we do. 

We absolutely can retake the House. We have a plan to do it. We can protect vulnerable Senate allies and elect a true Democratic majority by replacing Sinema. We have a plan to do that, too. And as we’ve done before, we can beat Trump. If we do all that, we’ll have a trifecta that can repeal the racist filibuster, codify Roe, and reform the judiciary so that MAGA activists in robes can no longer threaten our most cherished freedoms. 

That’s the focus of our work over the next 501 days. Simple -- but not easy. It’s going to take all of us making calls, knocking doors, sending texts, attending rallies, and yes, chipping in to fund the infrastructure that’ll make it all possible. 

If you’re ready to make an early investment in that work -- truly the most important thing we can do in this moment to protect and restore abortion rights nationwide -- please start a monthly donation today. Or make a one-time gift below: 

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In solidarity,
Indivisible Team

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Paid for by Indivisible Action ( Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

Indivisible Action is a Hybrid Political Action Committee fueled by the grassroots movement to win elections and build local, independent progressive power nationwide. Read more about the formation of our PAC here.

Grassroots donations, not foundations or large gifts, are our single largest source of funding. That means we’re accountable to, and fueled by, Indivisibles on the ground. Chip in $7 or whatever you can to keep fueling our movement. 

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