First, the secretive and reckless Wuhan Lab - which received funding from YOUR taxpayer dollars, thanks to Anthony Fauci's NIAID - engineered novel bat coronaviruses that were thousands of times stronger than their natural counterparts. These viruses severely sickened and killed mice.
Then, a novel coronavirus with obvious signs of bioengineering broke out in Wuhan, a city of 11 million people who didn't have regular contact with bats.
Emails from Anthony Fauci in January 2020 show he was worried the Wuhan animal experiments may have caused the pandemic. Fauci's colleagues even told him that a lab leak was probable because the virus' features "look engineered" and the Wuhan Lab was like the "Wild West."
But, publicly, Fauci denounced the possibility as a "conspiracy theory" and potentially LIED repeatedly to Congress - and the American people!
The likely lab leak in Wuhan ... the potential coverup by Fauci's minions ... the TRUTH about COVID must be uncovered. If you want to demand answers, sign the national petition today.