Taxpayer— animal testing caused the pandemic.
And we found the smoking gun to prove it.
If you don’t have time to read our new investigation (see below), I’ll summarize:
The Wall Street Journal and New York Times just confirmed our earth-shattering discovery.
Bottom line: if Ben Hu is Patient Zero, then you and I proved the origin of COVID… and wasteful government spending on animal testing is to blame.
Stop the Money. Stop the Madness!
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Megan Andersen Vice President White Coat Waste Project |
P.S. Please click here to urge your member of Congress to halt taxpayer funding for Wuhan-style experiments.
And once you’ve signed, please share this with your friends. Even if they don’t care about lab animals, it might convince them that taxpayer-funded animal testing is wasteful and wrong.
COVID Origin: WCW Investigation Proves U.S. Govt Funded “Patient Zero”
Since 2019, White Coat Waste Project (WCW) has been following the money to China to determine what really happened in Wuhan, including first exposing the Wuhan lab’s U.S. taxpayer-funded bat coronavirus experiments to confirming that it wasted our tax dollars on reckless gain-of-function experiments on humanized mice in violation of U.S. policy.
Scientific and intelligence authorities and most Americans now believe that a lab leak in Wuhan caused COVID. Still, finding Patient Zero remains key to definitively determining what prompted the pandemic.
A WCW Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) investigation and 2021 lawsuit—paired with other newly-leaked U.S. intelligence—further points to the Wuhan animal lab as ground zero.
As we’ve previously written about, in January 2021, the State Department reported that white coats at the Wuhan lab who were working on coronavirus animal experiments fell ill in November 2019 with COVID-like symptoms, before the first case of COVID was even reported. A few months later, reports detailed that in November 2019 three Wuhan lab experimenters became so sick that they had to be hospitalized. Another report indicated that the wife of a Wuhan white coat died in December 2019 from a COVID-like illness.
The identity of the sick Wuhan animal lab staffers has been kept a secret by U.S. and CCP authorities…until now.
A new report based on a U.S. government source identifies the three sick Wuhan lab staffers as Ben Hu, Yu Ping, and Yan Zhu. The source confirmed their identities with “100%” certainty.
A 2017 video from Chinese state-run TV shows Ben Hu, Shi Zhengli (the Wuhan lab’s infamous “Bat Woman”), and others handling bats and lab specimens without adequate protective gear.
All three Wuhan white coats were working on risky bat coronavirus experiments on humanized mice and Ben Hu is described as the person “who led the WIV’s “gain-of-function” research on SARS-like coronaviruses.”
We’ve got the receipts to prove it! Federal accounting records recently obtained by WCW through a 2021 Freedom of Information Act lawsuit against the NIH confirm that Ben Hu was a lead experimenter on the dangerous gain-of-function experiments funded by taxpayers via Dr. Fauci’s National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).
According to the documents we obtained, Hu’s animal experiments were being bankrolled with U.S. taxpayer funds from NIAID and USAID grants that received over $41 million! The total amount funneled to Hu’s lab has not been disclosed by the government. His treacherous animal lab would have continued to receive taxpayer funding from NIAID until 2024 had WCW not exposed and killed the grant in early 2020.
Let’s recap: U.S. taxpayer-funded Wuhan white coats collect wild coronaviruses from bats in remote caves in China without adequate protective gear, transport the viruses to a lab in a major metropolitan area, do gain-of-function animal experiments to make the viruses more contagious and deadly to humans, and then fall ill with COVID-like symptoms and their identities and medical histories are covered-up.
Thanks to WCW’s investigations and advocacy and work with lawmakers including Waste Warrior Sen. Roger Marshall (R-KS), we’re getting closer to finding the smoking gun that establishes where COVID came from. Next week, the Biden Administration is slated to declassify additional intelligence on COVIDs origins, too.
As we continue to get to the bottom of what happened in Wuhan, we’re working to ensure no tax dollars ever end up paying for gain-of-function experiments or any of China’s animal labs ever again.
In the meantime, please click here to urge your member of Congress to pass the Pausing Enhanced Pandemic Pathogen Research Act, which will halt all taxpayer funding for Wuhan-style experiments for the next five years.
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