The Headlines
Even though we're only a couple months into 2020, we've hit the ground running. We all know that the Law Foundation's critical work in housing, health, and children & youth never stops. And we are thankful for your partnership.

With support from our generous donors, partners, and champions, we're on the front lines of making long-lasting change for more than 10,000 low-income people and families living in Silicon Valley. Here are a few of our recent highlights!

Give for Justice_

Ending Displacement in San Jose - Community Strategy Report

As part of the San Jose Anti-Displacement Policy Network Team, the Law Foundation's Housing program contributed to a new community-based report. The report found 54% of low-income respondents said they fear being displaced and 72% said they personally knew someone who has already been forced out. Read the report here. 
Read the Op-Ed in the Mercury News by Law Foundation CEO Alison Brunner and our partners from SOMOS Mayfair and Working Partnerships USA.

Affordable Housing: Yes on Measure E 

On March 3, San Jose voters have an opportunity to make the city more affordable. Measure E will generate an estimated $50 million annually that can be used to help support investments in affordable housing and address our homelessness crisis. The Law Foundation supports Measure E for its ability to fund and create affordable housing across our city, providing housing opportunities for our lowest-income community members, including seniors, families, veterans, people with disabilities, and others in need.

This ballot measure is central to our mission and the very populations we are dedicated to serving. Over the next month, the Law Foundation will be working with a growing city-wide coalition to help ensure that this important initiative passes in March. Read more.

Watch: Foster Youth Identity Clinic

Children are 35 times more likely to be victims of identity theft than adults. Foster youth are even more vulnerable because of their involvement in the juvenile dependency system and some agencies estimate that as many as half of all foster youth in California have been impacted.

As court-appointed legal representatives for over 90% of foster youth in Santa Clara County, the Law Foundation is committed to assisting our clients who are victims of identity theft. We consider this a critical issue to understand and address and view identity theft remediation as a natural extension of our dependency representation. Watch the video.

New Directing Attorney for Health Program

The Law Foundation of Silicon Valley is excited to announce the new Directing Attorney of our Health program, David Fermino. He comes to our organization with a breadth of experience and an established career of advocating fiercely for his clients.

David will lead a team of 21 attorneys, advocates, and staff. Our Health program provides free legal advice and representation to Santa Clara County residents who identify as having a mental health disability, and individuals with other serious health conditions, including those living with HIV or AIDS. Our program focuses on access to disability-related income like Social Security or disability insurance. We also focus on patients' rights by working in institutions to keep individuals free from abuse and protect their rights in mental health facilities. Read more.

In Case You Missed It
Celebration of Justice on Thursday, May 14

You are invited! The Law Foundation's annual Celebration of Justice is on Thursday, May 14, 2020 at the Santa Clara Convention Center. We hope you'll join us!

Known as the premier legal event in Silicon Valley, our Celebration of Justice is your chance to mix and mingle with hundreds of lawyers and business leaders from world-renowned firms and companies, as well as prominent judges and elected officials. The evening includes a cocktail reception with a silent auction followed by dinner and a program.

Supporters like you help raise crucial funds through this event, empowering us to continue to use the law as a tool for change for more than 10,000 families and individuals facing life-changing legal issues each year.

Get your ticket now to help create a stronger, more inclusive Silicon Valley.

February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month

One in three teens experiences dating abuse. Our Children & Youth program is dedicated to ensuring youth know their right to a safe & healthy relationship. Learn more at #TDVAM20 #1Thing

Proposed Rule Will Make Combating Fair Housing Discrimination Much Harder

A column from Nadia Aziz, Law Foundation Housing Directing Attorney, and Matthew Warren, Staff Attorney at Western Center on Law and Poverty discusses a proposed roll back of the disparate impact rule in fair housing, making it harder to combat discrimination and segregation. Read more.

Support the Law Foundation through your IRA!

Usually, when individuals take distributions from their Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs), it counts as income for tax purposes. An IRA charitable rollover, also called a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD), is an exception and is a direct transfer of funds from your IRA to a qualified charity - like the Law Foundation.
The QCD can often count towards required minimum distributions (RMDs), up to $100,000 each year, without counting the distribution as income. The new law raises to 72 from 70½ the age at which individuals must begin taking RMDs from their retirement accounts.
Another way to donate IRA assets is through an estate by naming the Law Foundation of Silicon Valley as a designated beneficiary.
Please contact Kelley Stupfel Conway, Director of Development at [email protected] or (408) 280-2433 if you need more information about supporting the Law Foundation by making a gift from your IRA, DAF, transferring stock, estate or legacy gifts, or other support.
Pro Bono Spotlight
Watch: Giving Back with the Law Foundation
Every year, the Law Foundation of Silicon Valley partners with hundreds of pro bono volunteers from local firms and companies to increase our impact on the lives of low-income families, seniors, children, and foster youth. Watch our new video featuring some of the pro bono volunteers who have shared their time and expertise to help our community members in need.

Your time and legal expertise can directly change someone's life. Upcoming opportunities include the name and gender marker change clinic, foster youth identity theft clinic, special education clinic, school discipline cases, unaccompanied minors project, and co-counsel opportunities. Learn more.

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