I want to talk to you about something -- my colleague, Alabama Sen. Doug Jones, is in one of the most competitive 2020 races out there.

I want to talk to you about something -- my colleague, Alabama Sen. Doug Jones, is in one of the most competitive 2020 races out there.

Doug needs our help to defend this critical seat in ruby red Alabama. Will you chip in $5 now to help Doug win in 2020?


Doug has time and again cast difficult votes despite the risks it may pose to his re-election.

If we’re going to make progress in the Senate and take action on important issues like climate change and health care, then we need strong leaders who will fight for what’s right.

That’s exactly the kind of leader Doug is.

Doug has consistently fought for what’s right. He’s a civil rights champion and has worked to protect access to health care and strengthen the economy.

But Doug’s GOP backed opponents are spending hundreds of thousands of dollars attacking him. We need to give him our grassroots support to defend his place in the Senate. Chip in anything you can spare now →





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