When Republicans waste Congress’ time, they’re wasting the American people’s time -- and money. We need to get back to work and we need your support to ensure we take back the House in 2024.


Republicans in Congress are making a mockery of our government and democracy. Over the last three weeks alone they’ve: 

  • Fought to cut taxes for the wealthiest 1% after cutting funding for critical social services, including limiting eligibility for SNAP benefits.
  • Let the extremist House Freedom Caucus take the House hostage, stalling votes on their own party’s sponsored legislation.
  • Tried to censure multiple House Democrats and introduce fraudulent Articles of Impeachment against President Biden.

When Republicans waste Congress’ time, they’re wasting the American people’s time -- and money. We need to get back to work and we need your support to ensure we take back the House in 2024.


During the first two years of President Biden’s administration, we were able to pass more policy to support working families than any other administration in my lifetime. We passed the Bipartisan Infrastructure Act, the American Rescue Plan, the Inflation Reduction Act, and so many other important pieces of legislation to invest in working-class communities, fight the climate crisis, improv our infrastructure, and make sure our country's future is strong.

Winning back the House and expanding our majority in the Senate will mean we can get back to work towards making progress that will benefit working families like yours, now and in the future.

2024 may feel far away, but now is the time to build our progressive movement to win.

Join us,



Paid for by Committee to Re-Elect Nydia M. Velázquez to Congress

Contributions or gifts to Committee to Re-Elect Nydia M. Velázquez to Congress are not tax deductible.

Committee to Re-Elect Nydia M. Velázquez to Congress
315 Inspiration Lane
Gaithersburg, MD 20878
United States