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We need a new narrative on race in America — especially when it comes to telling the truth about the African American experience, friend.
Systemic racism — sanctioned by our government’s policies — has forced a disproportionate percentage of the African American population into poverty, incarceration, homelessness, and more. Our willful ignorance and refusal to acknowledge this bars us from bringing about substantive social change.
As president, I will set up a formal commission on race to begin the retelling of the last 400 years of systematic racism against African Americans. It will focus on legal discrimination and institutionalized injustice and cruelty. We will also shine a light upon the moral leadership that the African American community has contributed, as well as the countless achievements in the arts, commerce, science, and more. Being more truthful and complete will lead to more effective policies that address systemic inequities. The African American experience is not confined to the past; it’s right now, and it’s our future. 
For too long, our society has claimed that we’ve moved on from an era of racial injustice to a “post-racial America,” yet we still tolerate racist policies that ignore and perpetuate gross inequality. We justify it by claiming “fairness” and saying that we can’t have rules that are different for different people, but we’re where we are today because we do have rules that are different for different people.
We must recognize the egregious injustices and ensure equality, justice, and opportunity for every American.
In reflection,
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Tom Steyer 2020 · PO Box 626 · San Francisco, CA 94104 · USA