![]() Dear Fellow Patriot, I’m growing more and more concerned the white-hot fight over gun control in Congress last fall was merely side-tracked by impeachment. And the really troubling part is it may have given the anti-gun statists a strategic advantage to renew their all-out assault on our Second Amendment freedoms in Congress ahead of the November elections. You see, the gun grabbers knew a major showdown over impeachment -- hot on the heels of Red Flag Gun Confiscation -- would only deplete our ability to thwart their gun control schemes. And after wheeling their anti-gun political machine through Richmond, Virginia, they are convinced it’s the beachhead they need to DESTROY the Second Amendment and RAM their entire anti-gun agenda into law at the federal level. Without your immediate action, it looks like they’ll be right and you and I will see the Second Amendment eviscerated. So I’m counting on patriots like you to step up and stop them. Won’t you please sign your DEFEND THE SECOND AMENDMENT DIRECTIVE right away? I don’t have to tell you our Second Amendment freedoms are the ultimate safeguard to the Liberty and freedom that so many Patriots fought and died for. And that for you and me there’s no choice when they come after our gun rights. We have to be ready for a knock-down, drag-out brawl to save our Second Amendment rights every time the gun grabbers attack! Momentum shifting in the gun-grabbers’ direction is bad enough. What really has me worried are the weak-kneed Republican politicians who’ve previously expressed support for various gun control proposals. Historically, they’re prone to collapse the closer it gets to election day. November’s coming like a freight train and our Second Amendment freedoms hang by a thread. All it will take is some madman shooting up a “gun-free” zone and those same politicians will be clamoring to cut a “deal” and grant Big Government statists BLATANTLY UNCONSTITUTIONAL powers to: - Seize law-abiding
Americans’ firearms -- with ZERO DUE PROCESS -- through so-called “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation Orders; and - Create a Nationwide Gun Registration -- aka “Universal Background Checks”. . . to hand Government Goons the names and firearms of every single gun owner in the country. Fellow Patriot, do you think it can’t happen where you live? IT CAN. . . and the gun grabbers are dead set on making it a reality.That’s why now more than ever we must be prepared to FIGHT BACK. And why I need every single patriot to dig deep to help halt the statists’ assaults on our Second Amendment freedoms. I'm counting on you! Won’t you help keep building the grassroots muscle to make it 100% clear to ALL your elected officials there is no room for negotiation when it comes to our Second Amendment rights? Please sign your DEFEND THE SECOND AMENDMENT DIRECTIVE IMMEDIATELY! And after you have, please dig deep and chip in with as generous a contribution as you can afford to help Campaign for Liberty recruit and mobilize more patriots to defend our Second Amendment freedoms! For Liberty, ![]() Ron Paul Chairman P.S. Gun-grabbers are feeling emboldened by what we just saw in Richmond, Virginia and they’re now dead set on RAMMING their anti-gun agenda into law at the federal level. And with impeachment over, gun-grabbing politicians like Senators Lindsey Graham, Dianne Feinstein, and all the other anti-gun statists are poised to renew the horse-trading over our Second Amendment freedoms. You and I must do everything we can to ensure we defend the Second Amendment. So please sign your DEFEND THE SECOND AMENDMENT DIRECTIVE and pitch in whatever you can afford right away! |