The Republican Study Committee, which includes more than three-fourths of the House Republican caucus, is pushing for a floor vote for its budget, which raises the Social Security retirement age, privatizes Medicare, and extends tax giveaways for millionaires and billionaires.
But some Republican enemies of Social Security prefer a subtler approach―take it from Senator Mitt Romney, who called the RSC plan “easy to attack.” He isn’t defending our earned benefits―after all, Romney’s presidential campaign endorsed every aspect of the RSC’s approach.1
What Romney wants instead is a closed-door commission, like he and Kyrsten Sinema proposed with the TRUST Act, and like Kevin McCarthy recently proposed. Here’s how Romney wants the cuts to happen: he wants Democrats to join him behind closed doors and present the American people with a done deal that cuts benefits. Romney knows that the American people will REJECT those cuts just like they rejected his presidential campaign.
The best way to stop that is for Democrats to refuse to go behind closed doors―whether with McCarthy, Romney, or anyone else who wants to destroy our earned benefits! Sign the petition to demand no cuts to Social Security or Medicare!
Thank you,
Alex Lawson Social Security Works