Good Morning,

I wanted to make sure you saw Joe's email below. We are a week away from the close of the quarter and we are still short of our goal.

Joe has been working tirelessly to raise the funds we need this quarter. Please chip in whatever you can afford so we can flip this seat RED and send a real American patriot to Congress!

Please donate today at

Anything helps.

Thank you,

Erin Van Natta

Field Organizer

Joe Kent for Congress


---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Joe Kent <[email protected]>>

Date: Wed, June 21, 2023 at 2:11 PM

Subject: Deadline!


Dear Patriot,

My filing deadline is coming up at Midnight on June 30th. Can you please help my campaign with a contribution today?

Show your support at

Last election, I lost by less than one percentage point. My campaign was outspent 6-to-1 in the General Election by Marie Perez, a radical Democrat with financial support from major establishment donors.

You can help ensure we are not outspent this cycle by donating today at

This election, the political landscape is completely different. Last cycle, the Republican party was divided, but this year I already have four county party endorsements. The Republican Party is unified in its support for me as the nominee in 2024.

In Washington, ballot collection is perfectly legal and the Democrats have weaponized it to secure their one-party control of our state. Our campaign will be working with local county parties and churches to collect ballots and beat Democrats at their own game. 

But the mission can only succeed if we are able to raise the money to go on offense! Please contribute at to help us hit our goal before the month ends!


Joe Kent

P.S. - Marie Perez is no moderate. She voted against repealing Biden’s ban on pistol braces. Please help elect a common sense conservative who will protect the Second Amendment by donating today at



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                               Paid for by the Joe Kent Victory Fund