By Eric A. Gordon

In the lead-up to Feb. 22 Caucus Day in Nevada, early voting will take place Feb. 15–18. Nevada is the third state in the country to hold caucuses or a primary election, and the first Western state, after Iowa and New Hampshire.
Early voting is a new feature for 2020, in 80 polling stations around the state. The early positioning of the state in the primary schedule is the work of the former Nevada Sen. Harry Reid. It first went into effect in 2008 during the race between Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. Obama won that primary, with 14 delegates to Clinton’s 11. In 2016, Clinton won over Bernie Sanders.
Nevada has 2,000 precincts and 48 delegates to the national convention, 36 of whom will result from the Feb. 22 caucuses (the remainder are elected officials and party leaders). County conventions will take place April 18, and the Nevada State Democratic Party Convention on May 30.
In the aftermath of the snafu with the Iowa caucus count, the Democratic Party of Nevada decided not to use the same flawed Shadow app for its caucus. Instead, it will employ any of a number of back-up reporting structures based on paper ballots. The Nevada state Democratic Party had collaborated with the Iowa party, each contributing some $58,000, to develop the Shadow app, which was the product of a firm of veterans from the Hillary Clinton campaign....