For Pride month, New Politics is spotlighting LGBTQIA+ leaders we have endorsed over the years. Today, we want you to meet Kadja and Giona!
Kadja and Giona didn’t have the outcome they hoped for this time around, but they showed up for their communities as their true and authentic selves — that’s what Pride Month is about.
Kadja Manuel is an Army Veteran and community leader who ran for office in 2022 in Trenton, NJ. An LGBTQ+ advocate, a member of the VFW, and a VP of the Trenton NAACP, Kadja has spent his career fighting for the soul of Trenton, resulting in his run for City Council. His work and passion for Trenton and its residents has allowed Kadja to improve the circumstances of marginalized communities and touch the lives of countless individuals.
Giona Picheco is a Navy Veteran who ran for state representative in Rhode Island last year. Giona managed combat systems on a submarine and returned home from her deployment to find a growing hostility in politics for trans people like herself. Inspired to make a change and deeply rooted in her community, Giona decided to run for office.
Thank you for spending time getting to know some of New Politics’ LGBTQIA+ candidates and leaders!
— Team NP