During the most recent legislative session, extremist officials fought tooth and nail to refer a measure to the ballot that would have enacted an anti-democratic 57% supermajority approval threshold for any future measures to pass. 

Team — After failing to get their measure out of the State House during the latest legislative session, Missouri extremists are still committed to restricting the future of ballot measures in their state. 

So, we’re telling them to BACK OFF direct democracy and focus on passing policies that help voters — not suppress their voice! Will you sign on to our petition and tell them to stop attacking ballot measures?


During the most recent legislative session, extremist officials fought tooth and nail to refer a measure to the ballot that would have enacted an anti-democratic 57% supermajority approval threshold for any future measures to pass. 

We’ve seen attacks like these from extremists across the country — South Dakota, Mississippi, Florida, Ohio — the list goes on. And we both know, team, that these supermajority maneuvers are never to protect voters like they claim. They are only meant to make it harder for voters to pass the progressive policies these extremists disagree with.

We won’t stand by while extremist officials use their personal beliefs as a means for voter suppression. Will you sign on to our petition and tell MO extremists to BACK OFF direct democracy?


Thanks for your help,

FP Team


Thanks to grassroots supporters like you, our team at the Fairness Project has won 31 people-powered ballot measure campaigns since 2016, changing over 18 million lives by expanding health care, raising wages, guaranteeing paid leave, and ending predatory lending directly at the ballot box when politicians refuse to act. Your support allows us to make this progress possible.

Contributions or gifts to the Fairness Project are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. Contributions to the Fairness Project support its many efforts nationwide and any focus is at the Fairness Project’s sole discretion. Contributions will not necessarily be used to support activity in any one state.

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Paid for by the Fairness Project

The Fairness Project
P.O. Box 21337
Washington, DC 20009
United States