Principles First Newsletter - June 22, 2023 - View in browser
Principles First
As Principles First gears up for the 2024 election cycle, we are introducing this periodic newsletter where we will highlight noteworthy news items and keep you informed of upcoming events. 
"The fate of America cannot depend on any one man. The greatness of America is grounded in principles and not on any single personality."
President Franklin Delano Roosevelt  (1882 - 1945)
32nd President of the United States
Trump holds clear lead in GOP primary field after indictment: poll
Former President Trump maintains a strong lead in the crowded Republican presidential primary after he was indicted on federal charges in a classified documents case, according to a new Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll survey released exclusively to The Hill on Friday.
The Hill

Donald Trump Has a Polling Problem
Most Republicans still support Trump. But the polls still suggest the federal indictment is hurting him.
The New York Times

What Trump doesn't (but should) understand about the 'Socks' case
Donald Trump thinks he's been "exonerated" in the classified docs scandal thanks to "the Clinton Socks case." That isn't even close to being true.

The Business of Being Chris Christie
Mr. Christie left the governor’s office in New Jersey and set out to, as he put it, “make money.” He successfully traded on his political profile — and on his ties to the man he now wants to defeat.
The New York Times

From Justifying Trump to Justifying Autocracy
Explaining away his lawlessness by claiming he *is* the law.
The xxxxxx

The Indictment Can Only Hurt Trump
Even his loyal supporters will understand that his mishandling of documents endangered U.S. security.
The Wall Street Journal

Barr Says Documents Case Against Trump Is ‘Entirely of His Own Making’
The former attorney general, who has become a vocal critic of Donald Trump, was one of two people who served in the former president’s cabinet to question his judgment on Sunday.
The New York Times

Christie calls GOP presidential debate pledge a ‘useless idea’
Republican presidential candidate Chris Christie said Sunday it was a “useless idea” to force 2024 GOP contenders to sign a pledge to back the party’s ultimate nominee in order to participate in primary debates.

House GOP flirts with Jan. 6 extremism
Far-right conservatives have entertained false conspiracy theories about the Capitol attack — but so have some House GOP leaders and key committee chiefs, without outright embracing them.

Trump All But Confesses to Mishandling Classified Docs on Fox News
The former president, facing charges of mishandling classified information, nearly confessed to the crime — while blaming his “golf shirts”
Rolling Stone

The conspiracy candidate: What RFK Jr.’s anti-vaccine crusade could look like in the White House
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is a conspiracy theorist running for president as a Democrat. Experts fear his anti-vaccine activism threatens public health in America.
NBC News

NC House Speaker accused of sexual relationship with state employee
A new lawsuit accuses North Carolina House Speaker Tim Moore, one of the state's most powerful lawmakers, of having a sexual relationship with a state government employee.

Trump classified documents trial date set for Aug. 14
A Florida federal judge scheduled the criminal trial of former President Donald Trump for his alleged illegal retention of classified government documents to begin Aug. 14.

CNN Poll: Trump’s GOP support appears to soften post-indictment, but he holds lead in primary field
Former President Donald Trump’s support appears to have softened following his indictment and arrest on federal charges, according to a new CNN poll conducted by SSRS. Most Americans approve of Trump’s indictment stemming from his alleged mishandling of classified documents after leaving office, even as 71% say politics played a role in that charging decision.

Trump Lawyer Eastman’s License in Jeopardy at Disciplinary Trial
Donald Trump adviser John C. Eastman will enter a Los Angeles courtroom on Tuesday to defend his actions during and after the presidential election as he fights to keep his law license.
Bloomberg Law

Few of Trump’s G.O.P. Rivals Defend Justice Dept. Independence
The evolution of the Republican Party under the influence of former President Donald J. Trump calls into question a post-Watergate norm.
The New York Times
Think Pieces of the Week
Patrick Deneen’s Otherworldly Regime
Stripped of its disquisitions on Aristotle and Aquinas and oddly envious or trollish allusions to various leftist radicals (one chapter borrows its title from Lenin’s What Is to Be Done? and another from C. Wright Mills’ The Power Elite), Regime Change looks more like just another moment where one faction leaps at an opportunity to get to the top of the greasy pole.
Jonah Goldberg at Acton Institute

Liberalism Isn't Rule by Elites
But Patrick Deneen’s “common-good conservatism” almost certainly would be.
Stephanie Slade at Reason

Seven Lessons the United States Can Learn from Other Democracies
Free countries around the world are finding new ways to stem political polarization and combat misinformation and disinformation.
Rachael Dean Wilson and Kevin Johnson at the xxxxxx
Upcoming Events
Presidential Primary Town Halls
Principles First 2024 Election Townhalls
Summer/Fall 2024

Thursday, June 22 (8:00 p.m. ET) (TONIGHT)

Townhalls with specific candidates TBA
Podcast of the Week
Politics Podcast: Are Millennials Getting More Conservative?
538 Politics Podcast: Are Millennials Getting More Conservative?
June 12, 2023

In this installment of the FiveThirtyEight Politics podcast, pollster Kristen Soltis-Anderson and Washington Post data columnist David Byler join Galen to look at how Republican primary voters are processing the news and what they want from a presidential nominee.
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