NC Values Coalition

Dear Friend,

For three years, NC Values has been working on legislation that would protect school girls from being forced to compete in sports against transgenders who are biological males. You have been with us fighting to save women's sports every step of the way.

Today, we're excited to share with you that the General Assembly completed passage of the "Fairness in Women's Sports Act." It now heads to Governor Cooper's desk!

Women and girls who train for countless hours and years in their sports will have a level playing field, and their opportunities will be protected if this legislation becomes law. It will also guard the safety of females. The severe injuries of Payton McNabb caused by the strength of a trans athlete shows bodies play sports, not identities. State and national polling shows support for this type of legislation is overwhelmingly high.

We urge Governor Cooper to side with women and girls by signing this bill into law, and ultimately look forward to North Carolina joining the other 21 states which have enacted this type of pro-woman legislation for female athletes.

Earlier this week we told you it was going to be a busy one. It was even busier than we thought!

In addition to the vote on the "Fairness in Women's Sports Act," a number of other bills we have been working on for years came up for important votes. The "Gender Transition/Minors Act" (H808, formerly called the "Youth Health Protection Act") received three successful committee votes, and now heads to the Senate Rules Committee. We flew our courageous friend Prisha in to give her moving testimony in person. The bill, if passed, would prohibit attempting to surgically or hormonally change the biological sex of any individual under the age of 18. 

We also found out that the "Parents Bill of Rights Act" was scheduled for a vote yesterday in the NC House Education Committee (which it passed). The bill creates transparency regarding school curriculum, gives parents rights to object to curriculum, gives parents rights to the medical records of their children, and prohibits teaching gender ideology in K-3rd grade. It now heads to the House Rules Committee.  

In response to all these bills, our team was on the ground all week long at the General Assembly. Prisha and I sought to submit comments at as many committee hearings as we could. Check out the testimony this brave woman gave during the "Youth Health Protection Act" hearing below:

Finally, even earlier in the week, a bill barring the use of public funds and facilities for gender transition procedures on minors passed various committee votes, and also a full vote by the NC House. It now heads to the Senate for concurrence. The team at NC Values submitted testimonies on behalf of two detransitioners who shared their stories of regret and warned lawmakers about the dangers of transitioning minors. 

If you support the hard work we do all year long fighting for your values and getting legislation like these passed, would you consider maximizing our impact by making a one-time or monthly donation today?



Tami & Team,
NC Values

PS: Honestly, thank you for everything you do to help our Coalition defend North Carolina values. 



NC Values Coalition

Disclaimer: Paid for by the NC Values Coalition. Not paid for by any candidate or any candidate’s committee. Financial information about NC Values Coalition and a copy of its #SL006654 license are available from the State Solicitation Licensing Branch at (919) 807-2214. The license is not an endorsement by the State. Donations to NC Values Coalition and NC Values Coalition PAC are not tax-deductible. 

NC Values Coalition · 9650 Strickland Rd, Suite 103-226, Raleigh, NC 27615-1902, United States
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