The fifth meeting will be today, June 22nd in Kennebunk. A full schedule is below. Participants should bring their own laptop/smartphone/tablet as well as passwords needed to access emails, iCloud, or app downloads. Harvesters with mandatory electronic reporting requirements (or if you want to report using an electronic option) can come anytime for assistance during the scheduled sessions listed below. We ask that people arrive at least a half hour before closing so staff have time to assist with your questions. Contact Marissa DeCosta at (207) 592-2746 with questions about the meetings.
J U N E 2 9 T H, 1 2 P M - 5 P M Staff are also available from 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Monday - Friday at the DMR Laboratory in West Boothbay Harbor. Please call ahead for on-on-one assistance with reporting or to speak with the Landings Program. (207) 633-9414. Please share this notice with anyone you feel could benefit from this training.