URGENT ACTION NEEDED: Plastic pollution is destroying our planet. 

About 11 million tons of plastic waste is dumped into our oceans every year. And this number could TRIPLE by 2040. Marine and coastal species cannot survive with this rate of plastic waste invading our waters -- ocean wildlife will continue to die from ingestion or entanglement. 

Since plastics aren’t biodegradable, they never disappear and instead break down into small microplastics. If an animal like a sea turtle were to die from consuming plastic, its body would decompose and release the plastic back into the ocean to KILL AGAIN. In fact, scientific studies have even found baby sea turtles born with plastic ALREADY in their STOMACHS. If we don’t take action now, plastics and microplastics will completely take over the ocean and eventually the entire planet! DONATE NOW to stop this plastic apocalypse and protect the planet >>

Corporate plastic manufacturers aren’t concerned with the negative environmental impacts of plastic. The production of plastic itself is made from harmful fossil fuels, and one of the ways these companies profit the most is from single-use plastics, which account for almost half of ALL plastic produced every year.

Single-use plastics serve a one-time purpose before being discarded, which means demand is always high. This “throw-away” culture results in more plastic and microplastics ending up in our water supply, our food supply, and even the air we breathe. 

Plastics never go away once they are produced, so they will continue occupying more and more of our oceans and our earth until they completely take over our planet -- unless we take urgent action to HALT plastic production and pollution RIGHT AWAY. This cannot wait, Friend. Please help us push for immediate action on the plastic crisis before it’s too late.

Thanks for your urgent action,
Friends of the Earth
